Video & Audio: Hill Billy Professor and Jan discuss: Jews, White SA, Trump, Israel’s future and America’s Military Might


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I’m back chatting to the Hill Billy Professor. We talk about Whites in SA and the USA. He says he thinks the Israeli Jews are cowards. I discover that I’m an American Supremacist when it comes to Military matters! We talk about Jews, Israel, Trump and much more including military matters.

This was recorded on: 2023-12-22.

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Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.

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