VERY IMPORTANT: Dr Mercola FIGHTS BACK! – FDA orders Dr. Mercola to stop writing about health benefits of vitamin D


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[This is critically important. A brilliant German Doctor introduced me to Vitamin D years ago. It is insane that the FDA is trying to shut up Dr Mercola. Vitamin D is the closest thing to a WONDER DRUG that you can find in the world, and the German Doctor told me about it and the kind of intensive research other scientists were carrying out on it around the world. There is no question that Vitamin D will help EVERYONE. This shows you the filthy scum who are at work. It seems to me one of the people quoted is even a Jew. Jan]

(Natural News) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) are on a witch hunt against Dr. Joseph Mercola, who was threatened to stop writing about the health benefits of vitamin D in warding off respiratory illnesses like the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Last summer, CSPI launched a social media campaign that aimed to put an immediate end to, the longtime health information website of Dr. Mercola. Not long after, the FDA issued Dr. Mercola a warning letter “to stop writing about nutritional products that can lower your risk of respiratory infections such as COVID-19.”

CSPI, in case you are unfamiliar with it, is a so-called “consumer advocacy group” bankrolled by the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and other deep state organizations advancing a global eugenics agenda.

CSPI is also partnered with Monsanto. Several years back, Gregory Jaffe, the group’s director of biotechnology, issued a statement declaring that mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should not happen because it would be “confusing” and “misleading” for consumers.

“CSPI rails against published science demonstrating certain nutrients can boost your immune function and help lower your risk of severe infection, saying it discourages mask-wearing, which has no published scientific evidence to back its universal use,” Dr. Mercola further explains.

“CSPI has a history of promoting industry science and propaganda, having supported artificial sweeteners, trans fats, GMOs, fake meat and the low-fat myth. They’ve also actively undermined transparency in labeling efforts.”

Dr. Mercola puts FDA in its place, says it has no authority to restrict free speech

Being the fighter that he is, Dr. Mercola did not back down in the face of FDA aggression. In fact, he told the FDA off while asserting his First Amendment right to free speech, which he has been exercising for decades in the interest of promoting human health and longevity.

On June 21, CSPI issued a press release falsely accusing Dr. Mercola of making illegal claims about “at least 22 vitamins, supplements and other products available for sale on his web site.” Dr. Mercola was quick to point out that no Covid-19-related claims exist on any of the product links, thus meaning that none of them are in violation of anything outlined in the Appendix of Illegal Claims.

CSPI upped the ante by testifying in a Senate hearing against Dr. Mercola, urging the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to take “regulatory action” against him. The FDA responded by issuing a warning letter to Dr. Mercola for “Unapproved and misbranded products related to COVID-19.”

Not only did Dr. Mercola rebut the letter, but he also co-authored a peer-reviewed paper alongside Dr. William Grant, PhD, and Dr. Carol Wagner establishing a “clear link” between vitamin D deficiency and severe cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

“With that, I have established my medical and scientific merit, and will continue to express my professional opinions, based on the available science, and defend my freedom of speech as the U.S. Constitution provides for,” Dr. Mercola says.

“The FDA’s warning letter highlights statements in articles on my website that are fully referenced and supported by published science. I am committed to providing truthful information, for free, to anyone that wants it, and I’m all for having a rigorous scientific debate when necessary. CSPI has taken credit for pressuring the FDA to issue this warning letter to suppress free speech. The FDA’s warning letter is simply another attempt by CSPI to smear me with false accusations.”

We encourage you to read the full account from Dr. Mercola of everything that happened to him at this link.

You can also keep up with the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) persecution at

Sources for this article include:


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