Very Important: Jan busy with legal stuff … hard work…


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2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
Some Black tribes engage in ritual circumcision. (Sometimes the Black boys even die!!). It turns out that another side effect was spreading AIDS!

Folks, this is a very brief update. Just to let you know I am busy with legal stuff behind the scenes, chewing up many hours of my days as I prepare to head to court for the big day in the middle of March. I’m doing my UTMOST to also post on my websites. But be aware, my main focus is legal stuff. One wrong move and its game over. I will, at the soonest that it is legally ok begin showing you EVERYTHING. And rest assured I’M GIVING IT MY EVERYTHING. The enemy is sneaky and devious and I can already tell you many stories of things that have happened in these months. You’re in for some surprises and shocks.

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2005: S.Africa: Black Children as young as 5 have sex at school
This was a news story from the mass media about young Black children having sex at school.

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