The (Jewish?) Fraud & Fake Messiah: Jordan Peterson getting exposure in South Africa – Also: Vox Day, Ben Shapiro


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Video: WTA02: NATOs Secret Wars: How Portugal fought Blacks in Africa with NATO and US help
This video also contains the fabulous story of how and why West Germany was quickly admitted into NATO after WW2. In here you will see how different European nations are, compared to America and weak Britain.

[The other day I had to rush to a shopping mall to get a problem sorted out urgently. When I went past one of our Liberal book stores. I used to LOVE book stores and used to frequent them, until I later realised what crap is in them. They are just outlets for Jewish liberal crap and anti-White lies. Anyhow, I had to go to a "famous brand" shop here in South Africa, which was actually bought out by Walmart America. Though it is utterly inefficient in a typical South African style. As I walked there, I saw, to my HORROR, brand new Jordan Peterson books on sale! So I suspect they are selling them, perhaps due to the links to Walmart! Luckily, most of the people who shop there are Blacks, so maybe it's not a big deal. But yes, very recent Jordan Peterson crap was on sale. I couldn't believe it had reached us. Jan]

This is a short discussion between myself and an American I know well. I’ll mark his sentences with: A:, and mine with J.

A: I don’t think Vox Day and Vox new outlet are related entities.

J: I’ve never followed them though I know people who have.

A: Vox was right that Jordan Peterson was a fraud, but he is easily distracted. I haven’t watched his show in several years. I just got tired of someone who couldn’t stay on his topic without blowing up in anger over his comment feed.

J: Vox is also not fully White I think. I did not know he said Jordan Peterson is a fraud. I notice with horror that Peterson is going to be a GLOBAL personality. I even saw his books here in South Africa. Please send me anything on Jordan Peterson. I regard him as total garbage and I even think Peterson might be a crypto Jew. He’s real garbage and the Jewish Mass Media machine is seriously pushing him.

A: He had some inside info on what a fraud Ben Shapiro is since he worked with him.

J: This also interests me. I’d love to know more about Shapiro. I don’t trust that Jew.

A: I have his book on what to do when people try to cancel you.

A: Still, he doesn’t have anything to offer since he is a jew-lover, and friends with Owen Benjamin.

J: And I think Vox also does not touch on RACE.

A: Have you ever heard of Neville Goddard?

J: Never. Tell me more

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