The Corona Virus #TOTALSCAM … Its total nonsense
I did not want to dig into the medical side of things regarding corona. But a supporter sent me something really excellent about vitamin c. Then as an afterthought before I put it out, I decided to research vitamin c more, including speaking to an American lady I know for long who has survived cancer multiple times. This led me to more and more stuff. And I’ve also taken a look at what Bill gates has to say. My opinion is now totally firm that what we have here is an enormous scam that will do unbelievable economic damage for no reason whatsoever. This is a complete scam. I will show you more. I’m winding up a video and audio about its impact.
If this was a real health problem, they could very easily have got doctors and scientists to tell you a few simple things. They could have made vitamin c and other things cheaply available to the public and told everyone to go to work. Again, data from Europe, in this case, Germany, also makes this thing look like total nonsense. Everyone could have gone to work and carried on normally. This world wide lock down, had some big ulterior motives. None of this lock down is needed. This entire thing is just a gigantic scam for other motives. It makes me think the super rich are out smash everyone and gain greater power over everything. This is not a medical emergency. And watch bill gates. He is up to something. He donated $100 million and he resigned from all the boards he is on. He is up to a lot of nonsense.
Video & Audio: What is Friedrich Nietzsches Superman? Why is he VERY IMPORTANT?
Nietzsche was at university studying theology to become a Christian Pastor. But then, he changed his mind. What exactly was the motivation behind the work of Nietzsche? Why was he writing these strange new books?