Swedish reader’s thoughts on Boers Land expropriation without compensation, continued III


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Everything you see in America today was done after WW1, and long before Hitler and the NAZIS arose. The same degeneracy took place and Jews destroyed society and turned White women into street prostitutes.

[This reader has send me long mails with his thoughts about our situation. Here is his third one. He sent this to the Suidlanders, me and Afriforum. Jan]

Land expropriation without compensation, continued III

Suidlanders, relations

I have previously sent some comments on the land expropriation without compensation problem in South Africa.

Even if there is probably not much that can be done by now to save the average Boer farmers I guess that at least some of them probably can reduce the hit they will take due to the constitutional amendment which now is in pipeline.

My impression is that the South African business media now are trying to lure as many South African Boer farmers as possible into not taking steps that would enable them to save at least some assets in order to reduce the hit the banks will take (and possibly also maximize the hit the farmers will take). Their intention seems to be to maximize the amount of assets available for the banks to seize (agricultural machines, liquid assets, cars, jewelery and so on) when the original collateral, i.e, the farmland, disappears. Therefore, the big media said in the past that “there will be no expropriation without compensation” and say now that it will take lots of time before the constitution actually is changed and that it will take even more time before the expropriations begin, see here for instance:

“While completing a constitutional amendment before the 2019 elections is unrealistic, establishing this structure and getting it to work is doable.”


And here:


“Bulelwa Mabasa, director and land claims specialist at Werksmans Attorneys, said it is important to note this is a long process and it could be some years before the way forward is agreed upon, and the land for redistribution and land reform is identified.”

Since Ramaphosa has strong links to South African big business, and possibly also British and American big business it is possible that he prefers a relatively smooth but fast land grab in which the farmers will be able to save as little assets as possible. A prolonged transition process from Boer ownership to black/big business ownership may reduce the value of the collateral for the banks too much. It would be interesting to see the ownership structure of those banks which are most exposed to the agricultural sector in South Africa. If Ramaphosa´s patrons and City of London to a sufficient extent are exposed to the agricultural sector in South Africa and ANC cronies won´t benefit to a substantial extent from a protracted expropriation process and the likely ensuing chaos I guess that will strengthen the case even further for a swift expropriation process.

(On the other hand I think that there are plenty of ways for people in the financial sector to more than compensate themselves for possible losses due to a more chaotic land confiscation strategy. In addition to the possibility to buy farmland for a paltry sum you can also make money on shorting the South African rand and companies likely to suffer during a chaotic transition process.)

The question is whether it would be possible to carry through a very swift expropriation process without causing a too significant shortfall of agricultural products. I asked a Swedish farmer a couple of days ago which obstacles there would be to a very swift transition process. He said spontaneously that the most crucial factor in such a process would be to identify possible bottlenecks. When I asked how many additional farms in the same size as his own [he has a farm with 100 cows and a voluntary
(automated) milking system] he would be able to operate during a transitional period he said that “about 3 or 4 in case they are located nearby”. He also said that it would probably not take much time to learn anyone with a drivers license to operate a farm tractor with hay wrapping machine, the most crucial possible bottleneck according to him. I don´t know how much supervision farm workers for typical South African crops would take. But I suspect that large-scale, agri businesses can be expanded quite swiftly. The big problem would be to find people that can operate typical mom and pop farm businesses that usually take a significant amount of repair and service skills in addition to great work ethics. But if we are talking about expanding the area where an agri business grows various crops there doesn´t seem to be any insurmountable bottle-necks. One possible problem seems to be a too shrunken supply of agricultural machines in case existing farmers decide their machines abroad. It may take a month or two before new and used agricultural machines are ready for work in case too many have been brought outside the country by existing farmers. The dairy farmer I spoke to said that you probably have more excessive agricultural machine capacity in a dry climate than in a cold and wet climate since you are so dependent on harvesting at the right point in time in a cold and wet climate. A small or medium size farm in a dry climate can probably increase the utilization rate for its agricultural machines than a similarly sized farm in a cold and wet climate.

The question is at which point the South African government would step in and prevent South African farmers from shipping their agricultural machines abroad. I guess that 10 % of the existing number of agricultural machines wouldn´t matter in case the principal objective is to take over the farms smoothly rather than do harm to the farmers. But 30 %? I guess that 50 % would be considered as too much. An expert on South African farming would might be able to tell.

But in any case I think that South African farmers should consider the option to immediately begin to prepare for shipping their agricultural machines abroad, perhaps to Russia. Perhaps a large group of farmers could charter one or more roll-on roll-off ships and thereby ship their agricultural machines to a Russian port (Sochi in Southern Russia perhaps?). Perhaps they should also let their cars and other vehicles accompany the agricultural machines. That´s perhaps a good idea if they intend to move to Russia. If too many people try to sell their cars and agricultural machines at the same point in time in a limited marketplace such as South Africa I guess that will probably affect the prices. Remember also that the South African rand will probably depreciate further when farmers try to sell their stuff and move abroad. That will might also speak in favour of the option to pay for the shipping costs, freight insurances and the insurance cost at a Russian free port area where the machines and cars probably would have to be stored for some time. I also guess that it is hard for an individual small or medium size farmer to organize shipping to Russia on his own. He could use some help. He would probably also benefit from co-operating with hundreds (or thousands) of other farmers on such a project.

I have in my previous messages mentioned to Russian option. No other country seems to be willing to bring in a large number of Boer farmers. I don´t know how serious the Russians were and how much reasonably good farmland suitable for South African farmers that is available. But in case there is no other alternative I guess that at least some Boer farmers should ship their agricultural machines and vehicles to Russia and chance it. And in case they are a few hundred or maybe a couple of thousand people, the cost for translating Russian tax return forms, tax return manuals and other documents and information related to the Russian agricultural sector would be very limited for each farmer. And perhaps there already are some handbooks and manuals in English? Also remember that Russian university graduates, except perhaps software engineers and a few other categories only make about a third or a a quarter of a Western European equivalent. So the cost for the kind of translations I point to would probably be rather limited, at least if you hire a translator yourself rather than an established translation company in Moscow which do translations for international big business.

In case the South African government will begin to seize farms in February or March next year I guess there is not much time to prepare for emigrating to Russia. Checking out a farm or farmland before you arrive to Russia would be almost impossible, I guess. So that would mean that lots of people would have to chance it and hope that they can find something suitable before they run out of money. Even if the cost of living is very favourable in Russia I guess that is an important factor for a farmer who has lost most of his equity despite the fact that the Russian government has offered leasing contracts for farmland almost for free.

I guess that Russia isn´t an attractive option for most South African Boer farmers. Australia and New Zealand would probably be their first-hand choice even if that would mean that they would have to work as farm hands or something else rather than having their own farms.

The question is also whether there are other options for Boers who want to, or have to, quit farming. One option that spontaneously struck me when I pondered over what could be done for a struggling small scale farmer who would have very little equity available even before the farmland has been confiscated. Such people are probably used to shuffling manure and chopping hen´s heads off. People that already have lost their farms and already live in squatter camps is another category that could might be even more inclined to consider a specific option suitable for people with a poor set of feasible options left. The option I´m thinking of is the kind of domestic services paid for elderly and disabled people that are paid for by the Swedish government. A significant portion of these services are provided by private, independent companies. Many of their employees are coloured immigrants. And many of them are men. And the consumers of these services don´t like to be taken care of by non-whites (unless they are east Asian), especially non-white males. Many elderly people get terrified when they as consumers of domestic services encounter men from the Middle East and Africa. They also generally feel uncomfortable about being serviced by men. So if they could choose, they would prefer white or east Asian women. And since Sweden has unregulated immigration for people that have secured a job position with a salary that meets the minimum level required by the unions it should be possible to bring in some white South African women who are willing to work at the low end of the job market and do jobs like helping elderly people go to the bathroom. The pre-tax salary for such jobs in Sweden is currently about USD 2,200 and the income tax is about USD 500. I know that Ms Sanna Hill, a Nya Tider reporter who previously has covered the problems in South Africa, has worked for some kind of nursing home company that may also provide domestic services and didn´t mind hiring people with nationalist attitudes. An employer like that would might interested in hiring a few white South African women in order to please his end consumers. I will send a copy of this message to Nya Tider where Ms. Hill works. Maybe she would be willing to forward contact information? Work in Swedish domestic services usually takes a drivers license. A foreign non-EEA (EU + Norway + Liechtenstein) drivers license can be used in Sweden legally for up to a year after the registered arrival date to Sweden. (Drivers licenses from the EEA area, Switzerland and Japan can be converted to a Swedish drivers license. The written test is offered in 14 different languages and one of them is English. The driving test probably requires basic understanding of the Swedish language.)

There may also be other job positions available in a country like Sweden. Ms René Krüger, a young woman in her late teens, as far as I can see, who seem to have become some kind of poster girl for the Boer farmers in foreign media, could might get a job as an air-hostess due to her classy good looks in case there wouldn´t be any other options left (maybe somebody should give her a tip-off?). But before she posts a job application I suppose she should change her first name. In Sweden, it seems as if a company by the name Cat of Sweden offers a 2-week air hostess education.

I wish that I could come up with more ideas on how the Boer farmers could get the hell out of South Africa before they (probably) lose everything or a very significant portion of their assets. The more I read about what is happening in South Africa, the more convinced I have become that the Boers will lose their farms just like French did in Algeria in 1962. In the Algerian case, just like in South Africa, the bulk of the land on which people of European origin settled was unused tribal land. (A South African Boer farmer may argue that the land they settled on was far more sparsely populated and that most of the original inhabitants already had been driven out by the Zulus, but I don´t think that any decision maker or media owner in the West will listen to that argument. Other comparisons such as the settlements of Germanic Swedes on Sami land in the late 18th century will probably not be considered valid either. Nor will the settlements of Finns in Germanic Swedish woodlands in the 17th century be considered as a valid comparison even though the Germanic Swedes didn´t like that because they lost some pasture-land in the forests and fishing-grounds.) The principal difference between the French Algerian case in 1962 and the Boer farmers today is that while the French (and the Sephardic Jews) had French passports, the Boers don´t have Dutch, French and German passports. They will probably also not be kicked out of South Africa like the French were in Algeria in 1962. Because Europe doesn´t want them back. I´ve heard that the core voting bloc for the French party Front National in the beginning were Frenchmen that had been expelled from Algeria and then had become infuriated by the ongoing immigration of North Africans to France. I guess that European politicians don´t want a similar, new voting Bloc in the Netherlands, France and Germany. Therefore, it´s more likely that Boers who will lose everything will wind up in squatter camps. Also keep in mind that most European politicians probably wouldn´t mind if the Boers would get machine gunned. They wouldn´t think “oh, that´s terrible” but rather “problem solved”. I´m not sure that the Boers aware of that.

I wonder why no Boer leaders (or De Klerk) asked the Western countries that forced South Africa to give up apartheid didn´t say “well OK, if you give all whites European, Australian or North American passports and on first demand bank guarantees to farmers who can get their farms confiscated”. Considering the huge number of immigrants from non-white countries Europe, Australia and North America have brought in since 1994 I don´t think that 5 million people should have been impossible to swallow. Sweden alone has brought in about 1.3 million non-whites over the past 25 years and the Swedish population now exceeds 10 million. So the problem was probably that the West didn´t want a new voting Bloc similar to the one that created the basis for Front National in the early 1970s. Furthermore, full compensation to white farmers in South Africa would have facilitated later attempts to immigrate to the West. So no compensation and squatter camps (or worse) is a better solution for Western politicians (and their handlers).

It should also have been possible to use foreign aid for gradually buying up most of the Boer owned farmland in South Africa over the past 25 years and give it to the black population by means of shares in large agri business companies. South Africa received foreign aid from Sweden and Britain up to quite recently (2013 and 2015, respectively), as far as I can understand. If the Boer owned farmland had been placed in very large agri business units (that could have been listed on the stock exchange in Johannesburg and perhaps could have had black pension funds as principal owners) I guess that there would have been very little potential management problems. So there was an obvious, feasible solution for ending white ownership of South African farmland without ruining the Boer farmers. Keep in mind that a small country like Sweden over the past 25 years has given about $75 billion in foreign aid, primarily to Africa. Also keep in mind that most of the foreign aid that has been given to Africa has been considered as wasted money by many independent experts, like a bus stop shelter for $350,000 that was erected in Tanzania in a place where there were no roads and no buses. So over the past 25 years, it should have been possible to gradually buy the South African farmers out. If they in addition to the money would have been given Western passports I think that it would have been no problem to make a very significant portion of the Boer farmers accept a buyout. So I don´t think that the problem would have been that it would have been too expensive. If Nelson Mandela in Swedish media would have asked for a big chunk of the Swedish foreign for this purpose I think that he would have got the money. He was the closest you could come to Jesus Christ in Sweden.

It´s an interesting fact that Theresa May recently said that she had been involved in, or heard about, discussions in the British government over the past few years about land expropriation in South Africa without compensation. I wonder how early they knew that this land expropriation project was in pipeline? Was that the reason Britain ended its foreign to South Africa in 2015 and Sweden a bit earlier? It was a bit embarrassing from a PR point of view that Zimbabwe received foreign at the same time as the land grabs were going on. The fact that both Sweden and Britain probably knew in advance what was going to happen probably also means that the take over of Boer farmland will be more professionally executed in South Africa than in Zimbabwe with less shortfall of agricultural products. If this confiscation has been planned for years there has been plenty of time to figure out how it can be done with a minimum of reduced agricultural production.

The South African Boer farmer is not as indispensable as he may think. Suppose that that South African constitution is amended in February 2019. Shortly afterward a new law which transfers all land owned by whites to the government is enacted. White farmers become tenants whose contracts can be terminated any time. The banks then send the farmers court orders which say that all their liquid assets, agricultural machines, cars, jewelry and so on must be handed over to the banks in order to compensate for the lost collateral. What can the farmers do? Nothing. Then big agri business companies move in and plant and sow. The agricultural shortfall is minimized. Maybe some farmers will be offered to continue to live on their farms and continue farming as some kind of medieval serfs working for food with no assets that even enable them to buy a plane ticket to a foreign destination. “You can choose between being a serf and sleep in your own bed or wind up in a squatter camp without food”, the offer may be. Western politicians and big media will probably consider that as very generous considering how much the white, parasitic farmers owe the banks and previously oppressed the blacks. So if these serfs all of a sudden would receive an eviction order that would be regarded as more than fair. Taking to their guns would also be a legitimate safety measure considering the threat they pose to the black South Africans. And if they are killed for fun by 8 heavily armed men with assault rifles and jamming equipment that will just be self-defence against white supremacists threatening to kill blacks.

That inevitably brings another topic to mind. Why does a country with only 8 % whites allow Nazist and “white supremacist” organizations which in many cases had been illegal in Europe? Ask yourself why. I think that this at least partially can be explained by a wish to associate the white minority with Nazism and “white supremacist” groups that make white South Africans a more legitimate target for ultra violence and economic injustice. Does Jan Lamprecht, for instance, realize that? I think that there was a reason why the Swedish national TV newscasts in the early 1990s aired some segments on the AWB and Eugene TerreBlanche. And that the 2nd largest Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter published a story on a white farmer (a former wrestler) who questioned that his black farmhand also was a descendant of Adam or Noa (i.e. his lineage rather began with a chimp) shortly after majority rule had been introduced in South Africa. My impression is that the big media in the past tried to build a perspective on reality that would justify a rather harsh treatment of the white South African minority. Now their strategy seems to be silence. And I´m afraid that will work unless alternative media begin to continuously report on what is happening in South Africa. So rather than making reports on Jan Lamprecht the big media keep quiet.

And what about Suidlanders´ visit to the IHR? If you would ask a Swedish or American Pentecostalist, or a similar dispensationalist, whether it would be legitimate for Mossad to assassinate people that work for the IHR I guess that a significant portion of them would say yes, just like they think that it was legitimate to kill some Palestinian Christians and confiscate their real estate back in 1947-48. Furthermore, I don´t think they would feel sorry for white South Africans who lose their farms. Being racist against blacks is perhaps not as bad as being anti-Semitic, but bad enough. So it´s almost as legitimate to seize white farms in South Africa as it was to seize Christian Palestinian farms in 1947-48. And how many white South African farmers thought in the 1970s that it was unfair to confiscate Palestinian farms back in 1947-48? Did any of them even ponder over this question? Do you understand now why almost nobody in the West will care what happens to the South African Boer farmers (unless they want to go further and scream for Boer blood)? Also keep in mind that the Boers can only claim a land holding tradition that dates back 150 to 350 years back in time rather than 3000 or 4000 years and have a reputation for oppressing the blacks and stealing their farmland.

Let´s return to Suidlanders visit to the USA which included the IHR. My impression is that the Suidlanders group is somewhat naive. Fund raising by visiting, poor small “white supremacist” groups in the US which people are afraid of donating money to? And IHR?! Any friendship with the IHR makes you a rather legitimate target for assassination in Europe and definitely for actions liking taking all you have and put you in a squatter camp.

My impression is that the Suidlanders has made great efforts in planning for evacuation of people in rural areas in case there will be civil war or something similar. They have a plan for gathering a large number of evacuated farmers at some special assembly points. But what happens after that? Should they just stay there out in the middle of nowhere without being able to even feed themselves? I don´t get the point of these evacuation plans. I could understand such a plan if there had been some potential, almost empty, farmland left somewhere in South Africa like in the early 19th century and farm households were self-subsistent like in the early 19th century. But under current circumstances I just don´t get the point of such plans. It would make more sense to me to facilitate emigration for fellow Boer people. Rather than making a futile fund raising tour in the US among poor, small “white supremacist” groups I think that the Suidlanders should have tried to translate some kind of manual for the Russian tax return forms into English. Since Russian wages are so low it would have been possible to let a Russian translator work for months with such a task without exceeding the costs for the tour in the US. Identifying potentially good farmland in Russia and make arrangements for long-term land leases would also probably have been a better idea. An attempt to attract investors in temporary slaughter-houses that could help cattle farmers generate some cash before the banks may begin to secure substitutes for the original collateral may also have been a better idea.

As regards efforts to influence the general public in the West I think that it is important to compile information that may matter to the general public and see to that this information is stored on servers and hard drives all round the world. Some examples of information that may matter:

– Names, photos, addresses and dates for birth and death for all farm murder victims. It will be harder to claim that the number of killed and attacked farmers are exaggerated if it is possible state exactly which people you are talking about. When the farms already have been confiscated it may be harder to track down the history for each farm.

– Information of what was stolen and not stolen from the farms.

– Photos from surveillance cameras of people involved in farm murders which clearly indicate the kind of weapons the perpetrators had, how many they were and whether they had jamming equipment.

– Videos where South African leaders sing “Kill the Boer”.

– Photos of the farms that will be confiscated.

It would also have been great if European alternative media continuously had reported in a special section about farm murders and when South African leaders had sung “Kill the Boer”. I remember that the largest Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet for about 10 years, up to majority rule was introduced in 1994, ran a short special column on South Africa on the editorial page. Swedish alternative media have done nothing like that. I know that some alternative media people have visited Africa and even made documentaries on the farm murders. But that doesn´t really matter. People don´t have an unlimited amount of time to consume alternative media. I don´t even think that people who don´t vote for the pro-immigration parties on the average spend more than 3 minutes per day on political alternative media. So if Swedish alternative media like Fria Tider, Nya Tider, Svegot and ingridochmaria.se continuously would display a small section with regularly updated information on South Africa like Aftonbladet did in the past I guess that would increase the political price the Establishment would pay for the treatment of the Boer farmers.

I also think that it would have been a better idea to raise money for an asylum application project for a South African farmer family which has experienced a farm murder attack where nothing has been stolen. That combined with South African leaders singing “Kill the Boer” would definitely have resulted in asylum for any coloured asylum seeker. It would have been great to prove that the only purpose asylum system is to bring in more coloured people. Not to protect people that live under a daily death threat.

Yours sincerely,

Lars Pettersson (not my real name)

copy of this message will be sent to Africancrisis.info. Please don´t
freak over that in case you pay attention to my message or care. The
reason why I do that is that you probably read everything he publishes
and that my e-mail probably will be caught in your spam filter.
Africanscrisis.info has a form where e-mails can be posted. It seems as
if you can circumvent the spam filter by posting messages through web
forms. I hope that Lamprecht informs the readers about that
“Larsehole´s” e-mail probably can be found in Suidlanders´ spam folder.
Maybe Lamprecht can post an article with a headline like “Swedish
anti-apartheid activist Larsehole posts secret e-mail to Simon Roche”?
That would resemble his twist on an earlier message. This section of my
message will only be included in the copy posted at Africancrisis.info.
Not in the copies sent to the recipients mentioned below.]


Afriforum, admin

Press Service and Information Department of the Russian government, duty_press

Fria Tider, large Swedish Paleo Conservative news web site, 400 000 unique visitors per day, redaktion

Ingridochmaria.se, web site run by the former mainstream journalist Ingrid Carlqvist and her side-kick Maria Celander, also a former mainstream journalist, https://www.ingridochmaria.se/kontakta-oss/

Svegot, Swedish nationalist web site run by former extreme nationalists and former pro-immigration activists, kontakt.

Nyatider.nu, Swedish nationalist newspaper that has about about 6400 paying subscribers (a lot more unique visitors), chief editor is a Czech physics graduate, Mr Vavra Suk, with an IQ of 165, https://www.nyatider.nu/kontakt/, Lämna tips till nyhetsredaktionen: (OBS! Ej prenumerationsärenden)

Det Goda Samhället/Stiftelsen Den Nya Välfärden (The Good Society web site/The New Welfare Foundation, Swedish liberal-conservative web site/foundation with some nationalist traits, the chairman worked for the Swedish foreign aid authority SIDA in the 1970s), chairman Patrik Engellau, pe

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