Special Notes re: Angola, the Portuguese and the Counter-Genocide of the Blacks


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This book includes photos and shows the horrors and incompetance and assorted foolishness that took place in South Africa when the ANC obtained farms from Whites through the Land Claims process. Nothing like this has been written since. It is a classic text on wastage and inefficiency.

This relates to the video:


WARNING: I have noticed some people are not too happy with this video, but I just want to make some points. In this video I could have stuck with the "action orientated" stuff, that would have shortened it. But, I wanted to ensure that people have a lot of BACKGROUND to the Portuguese and Angola so that they clearly understand what was going on there. This video allows us to cover most of the important things. And I wanted to make sure that people fully grasp in all the finer detail what was going on. In order to create this, I had to "hack together" stuff from different sources. So it also does not flow as it should, but again, I was aiming for detail, because the CONCLUSIONS are the critical part. Regard this as a kind of lecture, rather than entertainment. Someone complained about sound volumes. I checked that too, but there were also places where I made errors, and so I came back later and edited stuff in. I did this as one video, and I will continue in this format, with things that otherwise, in the past, I might have split into a series. I wanted it all in one place. Gathering the info for this, and understanding Angola and the Portuguese is not an easy thing to do, and I did the best that I could with my time. So I had to make compromises. The goal is education. Later, you will see really important things that come from these videos and how they can be extrapolated and used in future planning and thinking for whites, white survival and race war.

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