South African Economic Chaos caused by the dumb COVID-19 lockdown
Video: #TeamWhite: A NEW WHITE HERO: Robert Bowers: Americas No 1 Jew KILLER!!
Alex and I discuss and celebrate our latest white HERO: Robert Bowers! We discuss Bowers, Torba and Gab.
Here are some points which will show you how bad things are now that they’ve done this lockdown:-
1. 1/3rd of SA tenants could not pay their rent this month. (Note: The property industry is totally Jew controlled to the level of 80-95% – so these will be Jews who lose income – which is good).
2. They estimate that less than 15% of South Africans, and in come industries, only 5%, will get a full month’s salary at the end of May 2020!!! Many parts of the economy are shattered by the 5 week lock down.
3. Food shortages are a big potential problem. We now have the possibility of food shortages. The blacks are saying that they will die of starvation before COVID gets to them. I was saying the same thing to my friends, family and supporters here in SA.
4. Crime will explode through the roof after lockdown is lifted. Even a partial lift of lockdown, might cause crime to shoot up again.
5. They’re currently expecting the economy to sink by between 5.8%-6.1% but this is only based, so far on the 5 weeks of lockdown. We have not seen what PARTIAL LOCKDOWN will bring. I suspect much more problems will arise.
100 Reasons the Jew Leo Frank Is Guilty of murdering the White Girl Mary Phagan
The Jews will never stop lying about and defending the filthy Jew Leo Frank. He raped and murdered this lovely young White girl. The White Americans, to their credit LYNCHED him hanged him from a tree. It was a wonderful example of Whites hitting back.