Pic: The BEST Adolf Hitler meme of all time: All Whites: DO THIS!
Video: A Quick Lesson: What Whites really do to Jews in Pogroms and Holocausts
Ive looked at lots of literature over the years where the Jews claim Whites are slaughtering them. They cite pogroms as a nasty feature of their past. And then some pogroms are then called holocausts. But what exactly really happens? Is there any evidence of what exactly transpires between Whites and Jews?
[This is fantastic. And remember, before Hitler killed himself, he fought in WW1 & WW2. The only reason he killed himself was because they had killed and hung up Mussolini and his lover on meat hooks. That’s all. Prior to that, his ENTIRE LIFE was a life of struggle and fighting. And he only killed himself right at the very end, when the enemies were upon him.
As for whites: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER consider suicide. Rather take some of your enemies down with you, when you go down. Don’t go down ALONE! Fight for your life, struggle for everything. This is the way the world works. Ignore the Jews, Liberals and Blacks who hate you. FIGHT FOR YOUR EXISTENCE AND THE EXISTENCE OF OUR RACE. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! Jan]
Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.