South African city to begin confiscating land from white citizens in national test case


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Video & Audio: Ultimate Race War: Could White Rhodesians have survived outnumbered 30:1?
In this video we will look at a scenario that, in theory is totally IMPOSSIBLE to survive. All Rhodesian military officers, in their writings, said that there was no military solution to the Rhodesian problem. In this video we will explore a situation that, in theory, seems to be impossible to survive.

[The black communist garbage are just trying out this in court in order to see what changes they need to make to the laws in order to be able to ram this through properly. The ANC will do anything in order to win the election and that is what this is about. Even so, this is a terrible direction in which to go. This is pure communism.

Dr Hendrik Verwoerd said decades ago, that one-man, one-vote, WOULD LEAD TO BLACK DOMINATION OF THE WHITES! And that is indeed where we are now.

The blacks are FOREVER “in need”, because they have babies like crazy. The blacks do things without thinking of tomorrow, and now the whites must pay the price. This is the nightmare we are heading into. Jan]

Local authorities in the South African city of Ekurhuleni are set to begin expropriating privately owned land, without paying for it, as part of a national test case for the country’s controversial land reform program.

The city council approved an “expropriation without compensation” bill that had been pushed by ruling African National Congress (ANC) earlier this year, the Associated Press reports.

Nearly 600,000 of the four million people living in the city are reportedly stuck in an awful housing crisis due to the shortage of lands for building new homes. The land crunch is forcing people to stay in “informal settlements.” 

© Julius Lando

“Our policy is not to take the land by force,” Ekurhuleni’s Executive Mayor Mzwandile Masina told the agency. “Our policy is to make sure the land is shared amongst those that need it.”

Masina, who heads the local ANC-led coalition, said that the city council would expropriate nearly 350 hectares of vacant land in the city limits, both private and government-owned. The city authorities are reportedly seeking to develop the lands in order to create new accommodation areas for people living in ramshackle dwellings. The top official did not specify which landowners will be hit by the measure.

“We are not going to expropriate land and keep it for ourselves,” the mayor said, stressing that people are currently having to live in conditions that are “horrible for human beings.”

The internationally debated land reform was approved by South Africa’s ruling party to address the historic injustices of apartheid, and distribute land among the population more equitably. According to the country’s President Cyril Ramaphosa, over 77 percent of South African farms and agricultural holdings are owned by white citizens with only four percent of lands belonging to black South Africans. White citizens make up just nine percent of the country’s population, while black citizens account for 76 percent.


‘We are righting the historic injustice and returning the land to its rightful owners’ – Cyril Ramaphosa

Ramaphosa pledges to accelerate return of lands to black South Africans — RT Business News

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has promised to speed up the controversial land reform proposed by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) earlier this year.


Masina expects affected landowners to take the municipal authorities to court. However, the Ekurhuleni municipality hopes the case will force a ruling on whether expropriating land in the public interest is legal as the nation’s laws stand, or whether the constitution needs to be amended.



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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
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