Audio: EXCELLENT: How Black & White differences can be harmful to Whites – Brian Ruhe & Carolyn Yeager
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Video: When Belgium, White Africans & Blacks fought the Evil Communist Loving UN
This is the strange story of how the Belgians were forced out of their own colony by the globalist United Nations and how America sided with communists. Facing them were Blacks who were supported by the Belgians, South Africans and Rhodesians.
Video: When Belgium, White Africans & Blacks fought the Evil Communist Loving UN
This is the strange story of how the Belgians were forced out of their own colony by the globalist United Nations and how America sided with communists. Facing them were Blacks who were supported by the Belgians, South Africans and Rhodesians.
This is an excellent discussion between Brian Ruhe and Carlyn Yeager. In it they discuss the issue of racial differences. They go into interesting details, including how blacks have big egos and (fake) confidence in themselves.
I inserted my own comments into this video to give some additional information based on my life here in Africa. These are important things for all whites to know.
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S.Africa: GOD ORDERED IT! Exterminate the Blacks: Harry Knoesen and the Crusaders
I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time. A lot of what happened, also happened on the phones, and clearly the videos and audios are now in court.
S.Africa: GOD ORDERED IT! Exterminate the Blacks: Harry Knoesen and the Crusaders
I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time. A lot of what happened, also happened on the phones, and clearly the videos and audios are now in court.