S.Africa: Farm attack, man (81) hospitalised after violent assault, Contermanskloof


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A farm attack took place on 25 March 2023, at 17:30, on a farm in Contermanskloof, in the Durbanville area, in the Western Cape province of South Africa.

Two armed attackers invaded the home and overpowered a man (81). The man was severely assaulted and robbed.

It is unclear what transpired at the home but a local security company found the man severely injured and bleeding from head wounds along the Contermanskloof road.

The man was taken to hospital and the police notified.

The police found the home had been ransacked and that there was blood around the house.

The attackers had already fled the scene. Police are investigating but there have been no arrests.

There is no other information available at this stage.

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/western-cape/farm-attack-man-81-hospitalised-after-violent-assault-contermanskloof/

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