S.Africa: Crime: Stock thieves attack, assault and rob White farmer, Frankfort
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[The victim is very likely a White male. Jan]
A farmer was overpowered and assaulted by three stock thieves on his farm in the early evening of 31 December 2020, in the Frankfort district of the Free State province in South Africa. The farmer had noticed a vehicle, a silver blue Toyota Condor, on his farm and went to investigate. He found three of his sheep in the vehicle and when he attempted to retrieve the sheep he was attacked.
The farmer was assaulted and robbed of his bakkie and phone. The attackers then fled off, with the sheep and the robbed vehicle in the direction of Oranjeville / Deneysville.
There is a lookout for the suspects vehicle, a silver blue Toyota Condor with registration HFF968FS.
It took awhile for the farmer to raise the alarm after which all local farmers and other role players responded. But there were no arrests. The farmer was not seriously injured.
There is no other information available at this stage.
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