S.Africa: Afrikaans Christian “commemorates” Dr Hendrik Verwoerd’s Death (He was killed by the Jews)
Blacks bring Cannibalism and Witchcraft to Britain
Here‘s a story from Britain. This is how the Whites are being enriched by Blacks from Africa.
[I am a huge supporter of the idea of an Afrikaner Volkstaat. An Afrikaner Volkstaat would basically be a White Ethnostate in South Africa. I regard this as the most critical and important thing we could pull off. This is hugely important. Below is a link to a FB page which deals with the Afrikaner Volkstaat. Lorenz Kraus in the USA found it and he sent me the details along with his comment. His comment below is marked as LK. I am, myself, a huge fan of Dr Verwoerd. He was the greatest White leader South Africa ever had. The Jews seethe with hatred at his name because they regard him as The Architect of Apartheid. Indeed, that is a big feather in Verwoerd's cap. He achieved something amazing for Whites. There are many issues in the piece below, which I won't go into. However, I think Lorenz's comments really hit the nail on the head. This submissiveness is something that does not sit well with me. Jan]
Here’s the link:
Today is the 56th anniversary of probably the most tragic day in the history of South Africa – the day Dr. HF Verwoerd was murdered in the Parliament. With the untimely death of this brilliant and unbreakable man on that day, the history of South Africa turned negatively in a downward spiral, the consequences of which are still being experienced today.
However, too much weight cannot be attached to one person, and while one does not understand the event of that day, it must be accepted that the Lord allowed it and that it was and is in His counsel plan for the best.
[Only a Christian could think like this, or worship a god of setbacks, or accept what is "prescribed" versus what happens in fact. The Lord "allowed" murder. He violates his own commandments and kills your best leaders. Is such a god really your god?? – LK]Nevertheless, we must learn from the event in order to avoid a repeat of a similar catastrophe. What can then be learned from the event of September 6, 1966? In our humble opinion, the following:
That the policy of separate, peaceful coexistence of peoples and ethnicities is the only sustainable political solution for South Africa – and in fact for the rest of the world. It is also like what God prescribes in His Word.
That the cunningness of Evil, the NWO and secret organizations should not be underestimated.
That betrayal in one’s own ranks remains a factor that must be thoroughly taken into account.
That one should not rely too much on a single national leader or statesman, but that for the future, the Boerevolk should rather look to a leadership of a small group of united and competent persons.
That we should humbly pray to God-Trinity that the best for the Boerevolk is yet to come, to His glory alone.
Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.