3 Pics: Violent Black Communism in South Africa and the White Jewish Communists – Goal: Destroy White Power


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Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.

[Here are some photos to remind you of violent, terrorist Black Communism in South Africa brought to you by JEWS! I’ll explain the photos below. Jan]

This is a photo of Julius Malema of the EFF in South Africa. He openly calls for the Genocide of Whites in South Africa and has done for well over a decade. Here he is in the UK at the grave of his favourite hero the Jew Karl Marx

The above is a quote from the South African Jew, Joe Slovo who ran the SACP for decades. He says that “Racism must be destroyed in South Africa”. And as you should realise by now, RACISM is a term that really only applies to WHITES! Only Whites are ever RACIST. Blacks can never be racist, no matter what they do.

See the photo above. People think Communism is imaginary. I have several copies of the Journal of the South African Communist Party. It is called “The African Communist”. The Communists talk about “socialism” but that is USSR Soviet Union Communism where the Government takes everything from everyone. That is not the same as Hitler’s Socialism which 95% the same as modern capitalism – and where most things are done using small and big businesses and the Government merely controls rules and quotas. The Government doesn’t seize your business. The Communism the Blacks in South Africa want is where they seize your stuff. e.g. Seize your land. In South Africa, the ANC passed a law long ago that ALL THE MINERAL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE GOVERNMENT. Anything 6 foot down or deep BELONGS TO THE GOVERNMENT. But Malema and others for example want to just have the government seize your farm, or even your house or business in the city. Below is an example of a South African Communist Party 5 Year plan from the past. The two “White men” there are Jews. That’s Lenin on the bottom left and the South African Jew Joe Slovo on the top right. Then you have 2 Blacks there. On the far left is Chris Hani who was blown away by the Polish Hero Janus Waluz aided by the White South African Englishman Clive Derby-Lewis. Clive Derby-Lewis beliewed that English and Afrikaans South Africans should work together. He was a good man. Almost *ALL* Black Politics in South Africa EVEN NOW is just a DERIVATIVE of COMMUNISM. *ALL* of it. The ANC may be “softer” now because of foreign pressure. But MOST of the ANC Blacks who broke away WANT RADICAL COMMUNISM. Malema was the first, but Zuma with MK is another one, and Magashule’s ACT is the same thing. These Blacks are serious and they just want to kill Whites and steal our stuff. They’re irritated that the ANC isn’t doing this fast enough. Almost ALL Black politics in South Africa is just a different flavour of communism and nothing more. The PAC (Pan Africanist Congress) was BLACK RACISM – that’s why Jews never gave them money. NOTE: When I first got copies of The African Communist, I saw articles by a “White American” called Naom Chomsky. I could not understand why an American Professor would write in that Communist journal. It was only much later that I discovered that Chomsky is an AMERICAN JEW!!! When we study the Rivonia Trial and Mandela, I’ll show you that Jews gathered Blacks to create a violent Black movement. The killer of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd was the Communist Jew Solly Jacobson. Jacobson of course was never caught or implicated. But Jacobson is RECOGNISED by the Blacks of the ANC as ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF MK (The Armed Terrorist Wing of the ANC). The killing of Verwoerd was carried out by Jacobson who was a Jewish Communist who lived here in Johannesburg. He was a psychologist. I’ve done a video about his role in the killing of Verwoerd.

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2 Videos: White Hero Tom Metzger: 2985 and shortly before he passed
I got this from a guy who is a huge fan of Tom. I knew Tom Metzger and did some shows with him. He was a very clever, very awesome White guy.

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