Meme: Whites, practise safe racial distancing…
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HORRIFIC STATISTICS: The Horror of Black Communist Rule in S. Africa since 1994
This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.
HORRIFIC STATISTICS: The Horror of Black Communist Rule in S. Africa since 1994
This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.
[From a supporter of mine! Jan]
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USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.
USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.