Jews as Nation Wreckers and Vultures in a dying SA…


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[This is something I wrote to someone. Jan]

Something that strikes me about Jews in South Africa, as I watch this stupid, dying country, is that Jews are also VULTURES! They feed happily off a dying organism and they love it. They want an organism that no longer has life because they can steal and play around it. I think Jews NEED TO WRECK NATIONS – and then the mortally wounded nation, is a wonderful playground for them. It has lost the will to live and so for them it’s a wonderful place to play and steal lots of money. When it finally dies, then they need to find the next victim. They can’t create so when it is dead they need to find another happy, healthy, vibrant country which they will infiltrate and begin the process of killing it slowly.

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Black Monday in 2017! The Biggest White protest about Farm Murders
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