Is this the real secret reason why South Africa took Israel to the International Court for Genocide?


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[I spotted this interesting note doing the rounds among White South Africans. It claims that the ANC did this because it is running out of money. In short, it is saying that the ruling party ANC has run out of money. It cites a White Afrikaans guy named Cronje. I'm not sure exactly who he is. But it has a credible sound to it. I'm not 100% confident of this, but maybe there is 60% or 70% truth to this. Perhaps the ANC is running out of money. That might well be true. But, IS THAT THE REASON WHY THEY WENT TO THE COURT? In short it sounds as if Iran is paying them. I can't be sure of this. I'm not sure if that is propaganda. I'm posting it so we can analyze it and monitor this. If Iran and the Blacks of SA are working together that would be VERY BAD FOR WHITES. What I'm interested in are 2 things: (a) Is the ANC bankrupt (b) Is Iran working with the SA Government? Jan]

Here’s the message:
After you listen to Cronje do the maths. About 6 months ago an application was brought by a service provider who was owed about R 120 million by the ANC – and in respect of which it had obtained an earlier unsatisfied judgment – for the liquidation of the ANC. That application was due to be heard in about November . The ANC had no defence to the application because it was based on a judgment that had many months before been granted against the ANC. Indeed the ANC had many financial problems . Earlier last year it had been unable to pay salaries of staff for several months. A few days after 7 October the minister of foreign affairs visited Iran . The government then expresses solidarity with the Palestinians in a public display broadcast on Tv . That same minister has a telephone discussion with a Hamas leader and the government hosts a Hamas delegation in SA. The governmemt then launches an urgent application to the ICJ accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. It assembles a large legal team that even for this initial preliminary application must cost not less than R 200 million for preparation and argument and for a final trial will cost about R 1,5 billion . And then suddenly about 3 weeks ago the liquidation application was confidentially settled ( I imagine for a payment by ANC of not less than say R100m) and today ( see below ) ANC publishes a statement that its financial woes are over and it’s ready to fund and fight elections ! So as the wise saying goes FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Very interesting!!
Now it starts to make sense.
Bankrupt ANC gets paid by Iran to run propaganda interference against Isreal.

If they hadn’t and the Courts declared them bankrupt, the Constitution prohibits them from running for election.

So they did this deal in an attempt to remain in power and in so doing threatened or risked disinvestment in our country by the US, UK and Europe!

Selfish, power hungry bastards!

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