
Jan‘s Advertisement
White Shop: 20 x George Lincoln Rockwell Stickers
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. These are about 3 inches by 3 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.

Interestingly, Hitler and Quigley have a point of agreement. Whites have enslaved (colonialised) inferior humans for thousands of years. He sees the ENSLAVEMENT OF HUMANS and animals (domestication) as totally necessary for the BUILDING OF ALL GREAT CIVILISATIONS. Hitler LOVED the British Empire. Hitler would TOTALLY AGREE with us, the White Tribes of Africa who FOUGHT to retain WHITE CONTROL OF BLACKS. Hitler would have approved of this totally. Hitler would TOTALLY APPROVE OF APARTHEID. TOTALLY. He explains that the Aryans need to stay separate from those they conquered OR ELSE THEY WILL INTERBREED, MERGE and be DESTROYED FOREVER AS A RESULT. He cites the instances where this happened.

Jan‘s Advertisement
Video: 1725: A Small band of brave Dutchmen are attacked in a Black Empire in S.Africa
Let us devour the White people shouted the hundreds of Blacks as they attacked 30 Dutch soldiers and sailors! This is a little known story of the Dutch on the East Coast of Africa.

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