Harry Knoesen: Crusaders & CRM Terror: Afrikaans & English: Emergency follow up message to Whites


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Here is an example of one of the messages sent today in one of several White/Boer organisations. It is in Afrikaans. I’m going to post the English translation first. This is a quick “computer translation” so just bear with me. But you’ll get the gist of it:

Here is the computer translation in English:

Good morning all Patriot RSA members, officers as well as management.

Today is November 29, 2019 and latest intel indicates a full-scale attack on selective targets as well as black locations is planned for tonight.

The attack on army bases is possibly wrong, attention has shifted to new targets. Although our members still have to be super careful as well as watchful.

Following my letter yesterday, a fellow citizen and member of a large group contacted me and 100% confirmed that attacks on parts of SA could be expected tonight.

Large right-wing groups 100% confirmed their officers as well as all their members were placed on full assistance and a high stand orange. Currently, Southlanders (Suidlanders) are on stand yellow, BL (Boere Legion) on stand orange.

In light of the latest very worrying as well as serious information received, Patriot RSA management wants to announce the following urgent measures.

1. Let us be silent and without today before our Heavenly Father (God), pray for HIS Wisdom as well as Leadership in the next 24 hours. Also pray for protection in every way.
2. All our members in the various towns are requested to contact your family members, loved ones as well as your loved ones and make an exception today and move in, make sure you are in a super safe and protected environment.
3. If possible and available, arrange things for you to sleep in a safe place tonight, in case of emergency, each member will need to have his or her loved ones, family and friends close to them.
4. Warn your people living in other towns, cities or parts of the country that they should do exactly the same.
5. Have at your disposal every available weapon or instrument that can be used as a weapon and be available, but also be 100% willing to use it, condition yourself for it.
6. Get enough medical / first aid supplies available.
7. Cell phones may not be available, explore possibilities to communicate.
8. Keep your tactical as well as grab bags with you all the time.
9. Make sure you have fuel in your vehicle.

Any member with knowledge or information first shares it with our general staff before anything is posted, we do not want to unnecessarily chase our members.

Be prepared, together we are stronger.

Here is the original afrikaans:


Goeie more alle Patriot RSA lede, offisiere asook bestuur.

Vandag is die 29ste November 2019 en nuutste intel dui daarop ‘n vol skaalse aanval op selektiewe teikens asook swart lokasies vir vannaand beplan word.

Die aanval op weermagbasisse is moontlik verkeerd, die aandag het geskuif na nuwe teikens toe. Alhoewel ons lede daar nogsteeds super versigtig asook waaksaam moet bly.

Na my skrywe gister het ‘n mede landsburger en lid van ‘n groot groep my gekontak en 100% bevestig dat daar vannaand aanvalle oor dele van SA verwag kan word.

Groot regse groeperinge het 100% bevestig hul offisiere asook al hul lede is op volle bystand en ‘n hoë stand oranje geplaas.
Tans is Suidlanders is op stand geel, BL op stand oranje.

In die lig van die nuutste baie kommerwekkende asook ernstige inligting ontvang, wil Patriot RSA bestuur die volgende dringende maatreëls afkondig.

1. Kom ons word stil en sonder vandag af voor ons Hemelse VADER, bid vir SY Wysheid asook Leiding in die volgende 24 uur.
Bid ook vir beskerming in alle opsigte.
2. Al ons lede in die verskillende dorpe word versoek om jou gesinslede, geliefdes asook naastes, te kontak en maak vandag ‘n uitsondering en trek in, maak seker julle is in ‘n super veilige en beskermde omgewing.
3. Indien moontlik en beskikbaar reël jul dinge dat jul vanaand op ‘n veilige plek gaan slaap, in geval van nood sal elke lid sy of haar geliefdes, familie en vriende naby hul moet hê.
4. Waarsku jou mense wat in ander dorpe, stede of gedeeltes van die land woon dat hul presies dieselfde moet doen.
5. Kry vir jul elke denkbare wapen of instrument wat as wapen gebruik kan word byderhand en beskikbaar, maar wees ook 100% bereid om hom te gebruik, kondisioneer jouself t.o.v. dit.
6. Kry genoeg mediese / noodhulp voorraad beskikbaar.
7. Selfone gaan moontlik nie beskikbaar wees nie, ondersoek moontlikhede om te kommunikeer.
8. Hou jul taktiese asook grypsakke heeltyd by jou.
9. Maak seker jy het brandstof in jou voertuig.

Enige lid met kennis of inligting deel dit eers met ons generale staf voor iets geplaas word, ons wil nie ons lede onnodig op hol jaag nie.

Wees parraat, saam is ons sterker.

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