Extra public holiday for South Africa – Ramaphosa announces election date
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Extra public holiday for South Africa – Ramaphosa announces election date
President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced that the 2024 National and Provincial Election will take place on 29 May 2024.
This decision was announced by the Presidency via a media statement on 20 February 2024.
” President Cyril Ramaphosa has, in accordance with section 49(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, read with section 17 of the Electoral Act of 1998, determined 29 May 2024 as the date for the 2024 General National and Provincial elections,” it said.
“The President has also, in line with section 17(2) of the Electoral Act 73 of 1998, consulted with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) on the election date.
Furthermore, the President convened a meeting with all 9 Provincial Premiers and the IEC to discuss the state of readiness for the General elections,” it added.
The 2024 elections coincide with South Africa’s celebration of 30 years of freedom and democracy.
Therefore, President Ramaphosa calls on all eligible voters to fully participate in this important and historic milestone of our democratic calendar.
“Beyond the fulfilment of our constitutional obligation, these upcoming elections are also a celebration of our democratic journey and a determination of the future that we all desire.
“I call on all South Africans to exercise their democratic right to vote and for those who will be campaigning to do so peacefully, within the full observance of the law. We also urge unregistered voters to use the online registration platform to register,” said Ramaphosa.
He added that the proclamation to declare the date will be issued in due course.
A new government is on the cards
The 2024 national election is set to be the most highly contested since the dawn of democracy in 1994, with the ANC expected to drop below 50% and lose its majority in parliament.
A new poll from Ipsos, which considers matters of party choice, preference, or affiliation, showed that the ANC is expected to receive 40.5% of the vote.
The Democratic Alliance (20.5%) narrowly holds onto its position as the opposition, while the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) get 19.6% of the vote.
The Multi-party Charter, which features the DA, Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) and more, looks to draw about 33% of the national vote.
The IFP is expected to get 5% of the vote, with the party a strong contender in KwaZulu-Natal, while ActionSA’s support is mainly found in Gauteng.
With the ANC expected to lose its national majority, the question is now who it will choose as its partner.
Source: Ipsos
Experts from Alex Forbes and Bank of America said that they expect the ANC to maintain above 40% of the vote and form a coalition with smaller parties.
This would see the ruling party avoid a coalition with either the DA or EFF and see the status quo maintained.
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