Do Jews own EVERYTHING in South Africa? How much do Whites Own?
Video: We Jews own EVERYTHING! JEWS103A: When Jewish Chameleons boast
Here I have film footage of a Jew boasting about what they own!
[Someone on Gab raised the issue, when I wrote about Corporations that Jews own EVERYTHING. Jan]
This was my reply:-
You raise a complex question. The answer is not quite that – but you are also not totally wrong. The Jews do not DIRECTLY OWN EVERYTHING. What they do own are some of the BIGGEST THINGS – but their power also changes, and the Jews themselves have left in droves and some have been moving their money out en masse. In the 1960s, before he was killed (by the Jews) Dr Verwoerd, had a professor investigate the corporations and he found that 70% of the economy was owned by Anglo American which is owned by the Jewish Oppenheimers who were the agents of Rothschild. So at their peak Jews controlled 70% of SA’s economy and they do have a power massively greater than their numbers. But they DO NOT OWN EVERYTHING. At the LEAST the whites own 30% – as per 1960s numbers. This is a complex area and numbers are very hard to find. But it is wrong to assume Whites are penniless. I’ve seen plenty of indications that there are Whites with serious money. Jewish power is ALWAYS AIMED AT THE TOP. And Jews basically steal and move into BIG BUSINESS AREAS. e.g. Mining. In South Africa, mining which is the core has lots of Jews in it even now. But to say Whites are penniless and powerless is wrong. The big problem is finding numbers. I did an exercise regarding the USA recently, and Whites+Jews own 85% of the USA with Blacks and Hispanics owning the rest. What I cannot tell you is how much of the 85% is White owned. We need to actually INVESTIGATE AND GET PROPER NUMBERS BECAUSE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO BE ACCURATE IN ONE’S ANALYSIS. So yes, you are mostly right, but we need to be accurate. ALSO JEWISH POWER IS NOT PERMANENT. IN South Africa I think a lot of Jewish power has fallen away. The Jewish population dropped from 180,000 under White rule to 52,000 and still falling. MOST LEFT UNDER BLACK RULE AMAZINGLY!!! Jews are always at their most powerful under Whites. Which is a bad thing. e.g. America. Whites make up 8% of SA’s population, but financially, we still pack a much bigger punch. I know of many businesses where you can see Whites either owning it or dominating it. Example: NASPERS is an AFRIKAANS company. It owns huge things on the internet. I think it owns tik tok. That is BOER OWNED. Many Whites are penniless, lots of whites are poor, but there are whites in good shape and Whites who make LOTS OF MONEY and they own their own companies. I WILL CONCEDE ALL THOSE WHO ARE WEALTHY ARE LINKED TO JEWS AND JEWISH BUSINESSES – SO JEWS HAVE INFLUENCE AND POWER OVER THEM BUT THESE WHITES DO OWN THEIR OWN COMPANIES. They are not totally POWERLESS. We need detailed analysis of all things in order to make progress in the White Right.
S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.