Cyril Ramaphosa: A Definite “Liar” by Profession!


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Video & Audio: Race War: Boers Vs Zulus: The Battle of Blood River
16th December is the single most important day of the year for the Whites of South Africa, especially the Boers. It commemorates a fascinating day wherein the Christians believe they struck a deal with God and that God came through for them.

[Here is one of the articles from #WMC White Monopoly Capital where non-whites write. This is how these non-whites regard Ramaphosa as a stooge of “whites” (but in reality of the Rich/Elite who are anti-white White Liberal scum in with the Jews. Jan]

You can read the article here:

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Video: Black American Science in Africa: Eating Childrens Hearts is the way to win Battles!
Whites outside Africa have no clue how crazy Blacks can be. In this video we take a thorough look at Blacks and Witchcraft with Cannibalism and other weird thoughts. Even Blacks who are Christians regard Witchcraft as real and dangerous. We take a look also at Liberia where Blacks from America went to.

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