Boers who compare Dr Verwoerd (2nd Hitler) with the Jewish owned faggot Winston Churchill
Video: 2nd Anglo-Boer War: The British Atrocities against the Boers
The 2nd Anglo Boer war is probably the only war where WHITE CHILDREN were the main victims by far! In this video we take a look at the dirty war that the British Army engaged in, in order to crush a tiny army of Dutch-German Farmers (the Boers) here in Africa. We look at photographs and information from that time. We also look at the role of the British Rothschilds and Jews in this war.
My first video about Verwoerd which I just released got some Boers up in arms. I need to explain this. There is a movement in South Africa of "Boere Republicans". These are Boere who say that the Boer Republics of the Transvaal and Free State must be restored to Boer rule. Among them, they hate Verwoerd, and frankly, I think it’s wrong.
One of the biggest errors, made by these people surrounds, amazingly, the topic of South Africa becoming a Republic in 1961 when Verwoerd ruled. What complicates this, is a concept called "The Cape Dutch" who the Boers refer to as "Afrikaners". Although, for several decades, all Afrikaans speakers were known to the world as "Afrikaners". In a nutshell you have a DIVISION among the Afrikaans speakers into Boers and Cape Dutch, who the Boers see as traitors.
Here is an example of one such Boer writing to me:
Jan ! Verwoerd was a disaster who worked for the British. He was trained in their inner circles.
He announced a banana republic in the then illegal British colony of Sick Africa, but which continued functioning under the British Westminster system. A Republic is a governing state where the public themselves maintain their country, and has nothing to do with this political voting sick system where others can vote who rules over you in your own country. It’s sick and in violation of international laws – except if foreign parasites can rule over the Boers and plunder their resources.
Even worse was his announcement of "apartheid", a false pretense which only served the purpose to give whole homelands to Africans, who have their own countries, in the Transvaal, the country of the Boers. It was not his country to f up by giving it away to African parasites.
This paved the way to the 1994 ANC terrorist organization takeover, because the intentional argument is if someone is born on Boer country soil ( not his own country) then they have claim to that country as their own. Every foreign parasite descending on the Transvaal claim they were born here, hence it is their country.
Verwoerd was nothing like Hitler, don’t disgrace hero’s. Verwoerd is like Churchill, a pig and a backstabber and a double speaker. And of course Verwoerd is a big Cape Dutch Afrikaner hero for giving the Boer’s country to the Africans. Keep in mind the Cape Dutch started integrating with other species since they arrived in the cape, and HATE the Boers for maintaining their race and Volk (homogenic race) status. The Afrikaner can only be a nation, which includes other species, and is in favor of the rainbow bastard nation.
Which Afrikaner told you Verwoerd was a "hero" ?
I wrote a very quick answer to the guy, because there is a lot in here to unpack, and it is complex. However, I stand by what I say. In answer to his question who told you Verwoerd is a hero. Well, my highly educated, "Boer NAZI pal" indeed raves about Verwoerd all the time. In fact, the original political party which ran Apartheid was actually against the Jews.
Here is the quick reply I wrote:
Listen, you’re not the first person to come to me with this stupid story. Watch the video and learn something.
He (Verwoerd) was anti-British, pro-German, pro-NAZI.
I am fully in favour of restoring the Boer Republics. I love the idea, but the Boere will also need to learn about White unity and Whites sticking together.
Watch the video before returning to me with this type of incorrect analysis.
You clearly don’t grasp what was happening at the time.
Verwoerd alone, bought the whites of SA 34 years of WHITE RULE which they would *NEVER* have had otherwise!
Verwoerd was a closet NAZI and Jews hated him. I’m going to put out a whole series. Then you’ll see stuff you’ve never seen before.
To try to equate Verwoerd with Churchill is an insult of the highest order.
The Cape Dutch are another issue.
I am 100% in favour of the Boer Republics, make no mistake.
In fact I want to do a video about the massive scale of the theft of the incredible wealth of the Boers by the Jewish (Rothschild) driven British.
Video: How the Church betrayed the Boers and is directly responsible for the White Genocide
This is an absolutely brilliant video that was made in 2017. The Boers were TOTAL believers in the Bible and in Christianity. It had kept them going through the hardships of life in Africa.