Blast from the past: 2002: Zimbabwe: 142 White Farmers arrested so far…
BIZARRE: Russia: Scientists to create a genetic weapon against Anglo-Saxons
This is a bizarre story from Russia. I have the link to the original Moscow Times article in Russian which you are welcome to translate. I have published the translation as well as the original text. Now you will see the crazy type of stuff Russians publish in Russia.
[Here is a news story from my old archive. This will give you a small idea of how the Black Communists went after the White farmers. They went after them for years and destroyed them all. A few were even killed. And it was all done through the state, "legally". This is what happens when another race rules you and they decide it's time to destroy you. Almost ALL the Whites left Zimbabwe in the next 10-15 years – the final Whites … are all gone. Almost nobody left. Jan]
Posted By: Jan Date: 2002-08-18 Time: 18:42:47
4 pm 18 August 2002
Today in Tengwe: "Darling Darling I need a Carling" said Leith Bray to his wife from deep within a Tengwe jail. Debbie had gone into the Police station to photograph the Policeman who had arrested Leith even though he has a Court order canceling his Section 8. The officer was denying that they had Leith in custody!!
Tally = 141 arrested and 35 have been in Court and are out on Bail (clarification that some have not yet appeared). 96 are still technically under arrest and due to appear in Court.
Sunday Snippet from Karoi: Yesterday Kay Bayer (70) spend the day driving around in the back of a Police vehicle as the Police went farm to farm attempting to arrest farmers. Her account coming soon. Another, Louise Cochrane has been picked up this morning leaving her young children 7 and 3 unattended. Louise is in good spirits and will not be used as a hostage to get her husband to turn himself in. Flo was also ‘granny napped’ in Mashonaland East as her son was in Mozambique. She has been released but reports on a daily basis.
Manicaland – two in Mutare remand as they went to Court and were denied Bail. Guy Coke-Norris beaten up in the Police truck.
Chimanimani – Sunday 7am, reports of Police presence on Charleswood Estate owned by Member of Parliament Roy Bennet. Initial reports indicate that 10 security guards have been assaulted and taken for questioning by CIO. According to an advertisement in the state run Sunday Mail newspaper – the special beneficiary of the farm is none other than the former head of the Intelligence organisation (CIO) Elisha Muzonini. If he moves onto the farm he will manage it from Kenya where he has now been posted.
Late News just in from Chinhoyi: Four farmers were putting out a bush fire late afternoon when a group of Police and land committee officials arrived and decided to arrest them. We wait to hear what this charge will be but they remain in custody tonight!!!
News from Nyabira: Tony Smit – news from Nyabira is that he is still in detention although he has been permitted medical attention. Police indicate that they await the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture to confirm that the farm has been delisted.
The bail conditions vary from province to province. Chegutu/Selous Bail Zd$ 5,000 and those farmers have been given 24 hours to vacate the farms until they appear in court. In Mashonaland Central, the same conditions but bail at Z$ 10,000.
In Bindura a court was set up with an enforced representation by one lawyer who was on hand. These farmers had the option to allow this lawyer to represent them or they could go back to jail until a weekday.
Jail conditions for our ‘loyal farmers’: It is obviously never pleasant to be imprisoned. In Chegutu we have seven detained, farmers and suspected criminals across the colour line sharing two blankets.
Farmers issued with summons on Thursday 15 August 2002 appeared in court, they were remanded out of custody with no conditions except Zim $ 5000 bail.
1. Mac Crawford – CFU (Commercial Farmers Union) Regional Chairman
2. Gavin Connolly 3. Mat Gloss
4. P. J. Cloete – rearrested today 17 Aug 2002
5. L. C. Van Vuuren
6. Dudley Rogers
7. Colin Martin – Umzingwane (was remanded – free bail)
Arrested and still in custody at present:
8. Chris Jarred – (Arrested 16 Aug) FA Chairman. Suffers from severe BP.
9. Mike Wood (Arrested 16 Aug)
10. Craig Wood (son to Mike) (Arrested 16 Aug)
11. Wally Herbst (Wildlife Producers Association) Chairman (Arrested 16 Aug)
12. John Herbst (Son to Wally) (Arrested 16 Aug)
13. Robin Greaves 64 yrs old. (Arrested 16 Aug) He is 95% blind and an invalid. Dissidents shot him three times in the early 80’s. Was badly burnt last year in a fire.
14. Gary Godfrey – son in law to Robin. (Arrested 16 Aug)
15. David Olds (Arrested 16 Aug) Brother to Martin Olds and son to Gloria Olds, both murdered within a year of each other. No arrests for both murders to date.
16. Craig Anderson (Arrested 16 Aug)
17. Mike Querl (Arrested 16 Aug) Already off farm but handed themselves in solidarity with their fellow farmers.
18. Brian Querl (Arrested 16 Aug) Already off farm but handed themselves in solidarity with their fellow farmers.
19. Charles Stirling (Arrested 17 Aug)
20. Alan Lewis (Arrested 17 Aug)
21. Anthony Randall (Arrested 17 Aug)
22. Eddie Venables (Not Fred Gerber) (Arrested 16 Aug)
23. Cedrick Wilde (Arrested 16 Aug)
24. Bill McKinley (Arrested 16 Aug)
25. PJ Huckle (Arrested 16 Aug)
26. M Huckle (Arrested 16 Aug)
27. Dennis Streak (Arrested 17 Aug)
28. Bennet Streak (Arrested 17 Aug)
29. Alex Goosen (Arrested 16 Aug)
30. George Parkin (Arrested 16 Aug)
31. Andrew White (Arrested 16 Aug) Released as Section 8 not fully legal.
32. Ian Pattullo (Arrested 17 Aug)
33. Mike Bramfield (Arrested 16 Aug)
34. Aubrey Chatham Lugo Ranching (Arrested 16 Aug)
35. Jim Chatham (Arrested 17 Aug) (being held out of custody due to ill health but will appear in Court with the rest)
36. Harry Bennie (Arrested 17 Aug) (being held out of custody due to ill health but will appear in Court with the rest)
37. Gavin Robinowitch (Arrested 17 Aug)
38. Peter van der Berg (70) – (being held out of custody due to ill health but will appear in Court with the rest)
Matopos South moved to Gwanda
39. Ben Van Vuuren (Arrested 16 Aug)
40. Piet Cloete (Arrested 17 Aug)
Beit Bridge
41. Raphael Moyo – foreman of Mavimba Ranch (Arrested 17 Aug)
42. James Edwards (Arrested 17 Aug)
43. Digby Bristow (Arrested 17 Aug)
West Nicholson
44. Rupert Barlow (Arrested 17 Aug)
45. Peter Brookman (Arrested 17 Aug)
Esigodini/ Umzingwane
46. Scott Buchan (Arrested 17 Aug)
47. Karin Keefer (Mrs) (Arrested 17 Aug)
Wedza (All farmers went to court today and released on $ 5000 bail)
48. Tony Olivie (Arrested 16 Aug)
49. John Bibby (farm invaded post Abuja) (Arrested 16 Aug) 50. Peter Bibby (Son the John) (Arrested 16 Aug)
51. Hank Viljoen (being held out of custody due to ill health) (Arrested 16 Aug)
52. Flo McKay (Mrs) (70) – arrested (17 Aug) in place of her son Scott von Memerty who is in Mozambique. She was later released but told to report on a daily basis until her son can be arrested.
53. Giles Dorward (Arrested 16 Aug) Out on Bail to month end.
54. Sarel Meyer (Arrested 16 Aug) Out on Bail to month end.
55. Boet Smith – went instead of his father (Arrested 16 Aug)
Macheke (Charged and out on Bail of Z$ 5000.)
56. Dave Bradley
57. S. Arnold
58. G. Botha
59. J. Melrose
Trelawney: Darwendale Police
60. Jim Brown – (Arrested 16 Aug)
61. Mike Barry – (Arrested 16 Aug)
62. Warwick Evans (Arrested 17 Aug)
63. Bob Carey – (Arrested 17 Aug)
64. Nick Winskill – (Arrested 17 Aug – being held out of custody due to health reasons) Jodie Cowley – Released as he is only on a preliminary notice.
Mt Hampden (Nyabira Police Station)
65. Hamish Turner (Arrested 17 Aug)
66. Tony Smith (Arrested 17 Aug) Apparently picked up from his home in Chisipite in Harare by Police / War vets and badly beaten up. Possible broken leg and injuries to head. Farm leased to someone else but is under Section 8. Chinhoyi
67. Peter Dilmitis (Arrested 16 Aug)
68. Conrad Van der Merwe (Arrested 17 Aug)
69. Les de Jager Jnr (Arrested 17 Aug)
70. Gert Nel (Arrested 17 Aug)
71. Dawie Vander Westheizen (Arrested 17 Aug)
72. Mrs Judy Barker (Arrested 17 Aug) Due to health reasons substituted by her son Glen Barker who was then released but Ian then detained.
73. Mr Ian Barker (Arrested 17 Aug) Kay Baier (Was released after a tour around in the Police vehicle to make an example of her.
74. Ian Barron (67 yrs) (Arrested 17 Aug) On heart medication.
75. Simon Faed (Arrested 18 Aug)
Doma/ Mhangura
76. Wessels Viljoen (Arrested 16 Aug)
77. Willie (Not Peter) Viljoen (Arrested 16 Aug)
78. Frank Stedyl (Arrested 16 Aug)
79. Peter Du Toit (Arrested 16 Aug)
80. Clive Night (Arrested 16 Aug)
81. Johan Du Toit (Arrested 16 Aug)
82. Jerry Van der Merwe (Arrested 16 Aug)
83. Rory Irvine (Arrested 17 Aug)
84. John Smithright (Arrested 17 Aug)
Mr Horsley (Arrested 16 Aug) Confirm that he is not in custody.
85. Dave Pentland-Smith (70) (Arrested 17 Aug)
86. Dave van Wyk (Arrested 17 Aug)
87. Vincent Schultz (Arrested 18 Aug)
88. Neville Hoy (Arrested 18 Aug)
89. Leith Bray (Arrested 18 Aug)
90. Jimmy Porshaw (Arrested 18 Aug)
91. Nigel Loney (Arrested 18 Aug)
92. Colin Mason (Arrested 18 Aug)
93. Peter Mason (Arrested 18 Aug)
94. Derek Skutt (Arrested 16 Aug)
Eiffel Flats
95. Mike Stone (Arrested 17 Aug) has a nullified Section 8 and has a mining claim.
96. Rob Edwards (Arrested 17 Aug)
97. Mrs Jean Baldwin 72 yrs (Arrested 17 Aug) Sunday – news today is that Jean is being denied her wig making her extremely uncomfortable.
98. Pete Martin 82 yrs (Arrested 17 Aug)
99. Billy Nicholson (Arrested 17 Aug)
100. Piet Zietsman (Arrested 17 Aug)
101. Kamfer Pasque (Arrested 17 Aug) Kept all day but eventually released last night.
102. Jan Zietsman (Arrested 17 Aug) Kept all day but eventually released last night.
103. Bill Pace (Arrested 17 Aug) Kept all day but eventually released last night.
Battlefields – Kadoma rural
104. Douglas Alexander (Arrested 17 Aug) His farm is not on a Section 8.
105. Kevin Scott (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
106. Bob Kilburn (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
107. Bruce Henderson (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
108. Roy Fuller (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
109. Roy Lilford (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
110. Richard Werrit (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
111. Callum Patterson (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
112. Douglas Carlisle (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
113. Andrew Ferreira (Arrested 17 Aug) Appeared in Court – Bail Zd$ 5000
114. Mike Kemple (Arrested 17 Aug) Section 8 was nullified in court. Left the farm a month ago. He received news that the centre pivot on the farm was being stolen and called the Police to ask them to react. They called him in to make a report and promptly arrested him on Section 8 legislation.
Greater Harare
115. Brian Danckwerts 73 yrs (Arrested 18 Aug) Plot holder in Greater Harare, which is under Urban Council regulations.
Guruve North All now out on bail of Z$ 10 000
116. Alan Jack (Arrested 17 Aug)
117. Dudley Warwick (Arrested 17 Aug)
118. Colin Smith (Arrested 17 Aug) manager of Dan Swart
119. Dan Swart (Arrested 17 Aug) owner
120. Jemma Nicholson (Mrs) (Arrested 17 Aug)
Matepatepa All now out on bail of Z$ 10 000
121. Simon Sherwood (Arrested 16 Aug)
122. Lance Nicolle (Arrested 16 Aug)
123. Paul Wood (Arrested 17 Aug)
124. Archie Wood (Arrested 17 Aug) They have made a statement (the police insisted on writing the first part of the statement) and now await arrival of someone of authority to see whether they can be released. Now confirmed to stay in to Monday.
125. Hugo van Aarde (Arrested 17 Aug)
126. Albertus Pepler (Arrested 17 Aug)
127. Mac MacMurden (80yrs) (Arrested 17 Aug)
128. Bertus Pepler (Arrested 17 Aug)
129. A O Mac Murdon – Masvingo East and Central
130. A J Pepler – Masvingo East & Central
131. J Edwards – Mwenezi
132. N Richards – Masvingo east & Central
133. D Odendaal – Gutu/Chatsworth
134. C Odendaal – Gutu/Chatsworth
135. J Whitehead – Mwenezi
136. C Schimpers – Mwenezi
137. C Vosloo – Gutu/Chatsworth
138. J H Erasmus – Gutu/Chatsworth these were out of custody after signing statements.
MIDLANDS (7 questioned but not charged)
MANICALAND (names withheld)
139. Guy Coke-Norris Assaulted in the Police vehicle (Refused Bail to be held to 21st August)
140. Malcolm Clyde Wiggins (Refused Bail to be held to 21st August)
Chimanimani – another Louis Steyn was questioned and released.
MIDDLE SABI (Due For Court Monday)
141. Phil Baker
142. Chris Menage
CHIREDZI – 6 persons signed warned and cautioned statements – held out of custody.
G Goddard Ibeka Farm from Masvingo East & Central
CFU Report 17 August 2002 – More than $3.72 billion dollars worth of ongoing crop and livestock production is at risk, ranging from a potential loss of 25% of the coffee crop in the Chipinge district, to large areas of wheat and barley, particularly in Mashonaland West Province, while some dairy operations are at risk in the Midlands.
In Matabeleland Province cattle operations are severely disrupted, while wildlife and ostrich properties go untended due to the detention of their owners.
In the Highveld provinces of Mashonaland tobacco grading will be disrupted, resulting in a short supply of Virginia tobacco to the auction floors, while tobacco seedbeds may be lost. .
It has been calculated that $5.6 billion dollars worth of farm assets are at risk on these untended properties. On 10 farms alone in the Chegutu area $570 million worth of movable assets are at risk.
17th August 2002
Farmer arrests – update
As at 10pm, Tally of farmers = 130 arrested and 38 who appeared in Court and are out on bail. 92 still technically under arrest and due to appear in Court.
Late News just in from Chinhoyi: Four farmers were putting out a bush fire late afternoon when a group of Police and land committee officials arrived and decided to arrest them. We wait to hear what this charge will be but they remain in custody tonight!!!
(On behalf of Justice for Agriculture)
Update 12 Noon Saturday 17 August
News from Nyabira: Cephas the employee from the Nyabira farm belonging to Tony Smith has been taken to Parirenyatwa Hospital. He is able to walk but is very sore. Police are refusing to allow access to Tony Smith.
Update from Matepatepa
Magistrates Court was held and two farmers Simon Sherwood and Lance Nicolle were remanded out of custody on ZD $10 000 bail. The condition is that they are not to return to their farms until they appear in court on 30 August 2002.
Update 11am Saturday 17 August
Tony Smith who left his farm month ago was severely beaten up early this morning allegedly by Police and War Veterans at his Chisipite home in Harare. Only a few of his possessions remain on the Nyabira farm and the employee guarding them by assaulted until he agreed to divulge the town residence of Smith.
When they arrived at Smith home, it is alleged that Police handcuffed him and he was assaulted. We believe that he has a broken leg and head injuries. We are attempting to secure his release from custody and into hospital.
Reports will be forwarded as info comes to hand on the extent of the injury to the employee and on Smith’s condition.
Over 42 farmers have today been arrested for ‘overstaying’ in their homes and on their farms. This follows the appearance in Court by seven farmers summonsed to the Magistrates Court to face charges on Thursday. The seven were remanded out of custody. A further eight have signed warn and caution statements but are being held out of custody.
The following is urgent advise to those farmers targeted by this exercise that is in itself a violation of our constitutional rights.
Advice to Farmers:
1. Farmers targeted by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for arrest MUST attend court with or without a lawyer. We are aware of the setting up of emergency courts and some of you will have lawyers present but if not, you must still attend.
2. In the absence of a lawyer in these courts, make no plea and no admission under any circumstances but request the remand of the case to enable you to avail yourself of legal representation. (This is a constitutional right under section 18 of the constitution of Zimbabwe.) If the court refuses to respect your request, you can refuse to take part and remain silent.
3. You must however still proceed and draw the Court’s attention to the George Quinnell case and the provisional ruling thereof and cite one of the major constitutional issues in the Quinnell case that applies to your circumstances.
These are:
(a) That you are a single farm owner, only home, only source of income to support own family and employees.
(b) Section 16,1 (d) of the Constitution, which refers the deprivation of the right to property ownership without an Administrative court hearing.
(c) Site Section 31 of the Constitution. We do not recognise Minister Made as a lawfully appointed Minister of the Zimbabwean Government as he has not taken the oath of office as required under Section 31 of the constitution.
(d) Section 24,3 of the Constitution – only to be used if no other of these above criteria apply. This section refers to white farmers being targeted, which constitutes racism. BEWARE of how you portray this, as it could be inflammatory in court.
No court can proceed in the face of one let alone two, constitutional issues raised and must remand the case to a future date to accommodate for legal representation or refer the matter to the Supreme Court for hearing.
Farmers are advised to attend court with cash in hand in case bail is demanded. We suggest approximately ZD $10,000.
To these loyal committed Zimbabwean farmers, who are cold and hungry tonight along with six million starving Zimbabweans, we pay tribute!
Source: Zimbabwe — JAG Farmer Arrests Update
Justice for Africulture ^ (124)| August 18, 2002
White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: Caesar: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
In Solitaire Caesar, the Player commands Roman forces attempting to build an empire that will last as long as possible. Threats come from a variety of Civilized and Uncivilized Barbarian (non-Roman)opponents, while the internal stability of the empire is reduced. A typical game should take about 60 minutes to play.