Audio: USA, Russia, UK & EU will KILL Blacks OR Whites for the Mineral riches of Africa!


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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
Please help Matt Hale. He was a Reverend in the Church of Creativity. Learn about the despicable story of what Jews did to him! He will be in jail for 40 years WITHOUT EVER HAVING COMMITTED A SINGLE CRIME!

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Russia has sent military hardware to southern Africa and their air-force will be landing in South Africa on 22 October 2019. Putin announced that he is inviting 35 black leaders from Africa to talks with him.

The Russians also dropped off advanced military helicopters in Mozambique recently.

In my audio I explain how real politics works and what really matters to Russia, the USA, UK, EU and China with regard to South Africa and Africa in general.

Politics does NOT work the way the lying Jews and Liberals tell you.

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Wie is ons? Boere of Afrikaners? Antwoord van Dr Mike Du Toit
Ek het iemand gehad wat aan my geskryf het oor die onderwerp van Boere teenoor Afrikaners. Ek het besluit om Dr. Mike Du Toit te nader, wat die leier van die Boeremag was en ‘n professionele akademikus is wat baie goed ingelig is oor ons geskiedenis, om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Dr. Du Toit weet nie net van ons geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook van ons geskiedenis in Europa. Hier is sy antwoord.

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