About the Israeli Mossad Snipers who were killed in Zimbabwe in 2017 – Source info found
White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: RECONQUISTA: The Struggle for Moorish Spain
Winner of the wargame category in the 2014 solitaire print and play contest. The game is a solitaire area-movement wargame, simulating the Reconquest of the Iberian peninsular by the Christian kingdoms from the 8th to 15th centuries.
[I ran this story a short while ago: How 10 Israeli Mossad snipers were killed in Africa! – Zimbabwe: When Mugabe hired Mossad to kill his Generals!. Then I did an update saying that old Rhodesian soldiers pooh poohed the story: Israeli election rigging, diamonds & the Israeli Mossad Snipers who were killed in Zimbabwe in 2017
I was concerned that the source of the story was unreliable. But I made some interesting discoveries. Some aspects of this story do have a genuine source, in a South African newspaper. Therefore I can establish, with certainty, that the newspaper did say there were “Israeli bodyguards” and at least 1 was killed. I am a little bit skeptical about “Israeli bodyguards”. This could be a rumour or propaganda or disinformation based on real facts, like the $10 million that was at that blacks’ home. So the story is not completely sucked out of someone’s thumb. This story, might be a lie, but if so, its then a lie that has a purpose. This lie flew around with quite a lot of intensity. I think that is my final conclusion. Jan]
Here’s what I wrote back to the old soldiers:-
Hi xxx,
Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.