A Very Important Lesson for all White Males from Tom Metzger: FIGHT TO WIN!!!


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Video & Audio: South African Jews worked secretly to destroy White rule
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Here are wise words, from a White American male who is now over 80 years old and has spent a good portion of his life in the Right Wing and fighting for the White RACE. In the 1980s, he was cleaning the Jews’ clocks with W.A.R. (White Aryan Resistance). He was in the KKK too. He was in some of the roughest, toughest stuff the White Right in the USA was ever involved in. And he’s extremely technically clever as well.

He said this to me today:

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 10:22 PM Tom Metzger wrote:

the right wing never learned that you can get almost more information from those that are with you or even against you and you can from your own. We need to be strategic and tactical not emotional. The neo-Bolsheviks believe win at all costs.I do to. Go where ever you have to go. Keep your morals but fight to win

I wrote to him:
I’m going to publish your comments on my websites now. I totally agree with you Tom. I agree with every word you wrote there.

We must fight to win. We are a creation of nature, no different to the Lion. We have the skills with which to fight for our existence. We must stop pussy footing around. Fight to Win.

Alex Linder says, wisely, as always, that the LOW MAN DETERMINES THE FIGHT. Exactly. Get down, beat them at whatever trick they throw your way.


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