2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa – My Comments


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Video: God said: Exterminate the Blacks: The Harry Knoesen Story S.Africa
Lots of Whites say that Christians will never fight. Here is a story unlike any other. This is the strange story of the CRUSADERS, the (NCRM) National Christian Resistance Movement of South Africa. This was a Christian Racialist who had former SADF special forces, Recces with him. They wanted to seize back South Africa for WHITES! This took place in 2018 and 2019. We study what Harry did and the many strange twists and turns in this strange story.

[Back in 2004 I posted this article with my comments. The original article was from the Jew-Owned English language newspaper The Sunday Times. All of those worthless Liberal newspapers hardly exist any more. Most of them were just wearing down the efforts of the Afrikaners. You can see that in 2004 I was standing by Orania and saying that we Whites must fight back. You'll see I was saying we must create our own country. You'll see I was pro-Jew back then. I cited what the Jews did in Israel. Jan] [These white Afrikaners are living in the desert – and surviving. Orania is a small backward place – but they’re desperate to get away from the blacks. They have seen the writing on the wall – the blacks want to manoevre us into a racial conflict and destroy us. Ever since Mugabe started his nonsense in Zimbabwe, there have been more and more whites who are realising that we are in real danger. I like to think I was one of the very first to spot that this was not just a whim or a passing FAD – but in fact, part of an insidious and evil black racist plan WHICH IS NOT GOING TO STOP UNTIL WE ARE GONE!!!!

On a positive note, I think we should fight back against the buggers with spirit and determination and not be cowed into submission and fear. We need to rally support for our cause, and start pushing the plan for a White COUNTRY. To hell with a “White Homeland” as being part of South Africa. Nah… let’s secede completely… break away… and start our own country… even if it means rivers of blood to get it. If the Jews could seize land in 1948 and separate from the Arabs and form Israel – then why the hell can’t we? Our numbers are about the same. We can learn from the Jews… and like them… we’ll prosper too because they’re not a lazy people… and neither are we. They’re intelligent and determined. I only hope we have the balls they have… that’s the big question. Are we too SOFT? Has the good life made us too weak? Jan]

An Afrikaner enclave on the edge of a desert is being flooded with applications from whites disillusioned with South Africa’ s black government.

Founded in the early 1990s as white rule ended, Orania was an attempt by Afrikaner purists to preserve their culture around an independent Boer republic.

The founding fathers expected thousands to join them but only 600 moved to the dusty, windswept town on the edge of the Karoo.

Now, due to fear that South Africa will follow Zimbabwe into political and racial turmoil, Orania is beginning to fill up.

“We are overwhelmed by calls from people inquiring about moving here,” said John Strydom, a doctor who moved to Orania five years ago.

“We have had 200 calls and e-mails in the last month alone.”

Racial tensions have been growing elsewhere in South Africa. A previously unknown group called the Warriors of the Boer Nation have claimed responsibility for a string of explosions in Soweto .

A group of rightwingers – including farmers and university lecturers – are being held following the discovery of arms caches and a threat of a Christmas terror campaign.

In Orania, however, such groups are condemned as “hypocrites”. While a perimeter fence around the town is strung with warning signs declaring the area “private property”, its residents decry violence and choose their words carefully to emphasise the incompatibilities between the Afrikaner and African cultures.

“These people [Warriors of the Boer Nation] are professionals who don’t mind taking money from blacks, having them as customers or employing them cheaply. But they can’t tolerate the idea of them having any power,” said Wynand Boshoff, a grandson of Hendrik Verwoerd, the former prime minister and architect of apartheid.

While the old nationalist rulers advocated racial separation yet relied on cheap black labour, the Oranians are prepared to get their hands dirty.

As she picked up a spade to turn the soil in her garden, Riekie de Jager, 62, admitted that she missed the services of the black staff she left behind to move to Orania two years ago.

“People think we are here because we hate the blacks – we don’t,” she said.

“We are very friendly with them when we meet. But I am happier here with people like myself. Things are going the way of Zimbabwe and we have come here for some security.

“When Mandela dies, there will be nothing but chaos. But at least in Orania we can feel safe.”

Source: The Sunday Times, South Africa
URL: http://www.suntimes.co.za/2002/12/01/insight/

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Video: The Gods of War: Introduction Why do Humans fight?
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