2 Memes: Africa is so rich it has rivers of Chocolate – Blacks see Poverty; Whites see POTENTIAL!


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I saw one of these memes on the social media. I laughed. Now let me tell you some things about Africa.

As you can see, there are lots of hoof prints all around there… so there’s a lot of urine and dung in that chocolate water.

A Boer I know well once told me a story about his army days. He said he was in an army camp near the border. Some distance from the camp they had a rubbish dump where all the old food would be dumped. He said it included meat that had become quite rotten. He said it was almost a liquid. He said that he saw blacks going through that rubbish dump and they would grab anything, even that quite thoroughly rotten meat to eat.

He said to me: If you or I ate that meat WE WOULD DIE! But the blacks did not die… He was shocked by what he saw.

Africa is indeed truly rich, richer than all of North America easily. Africa is unbelievably wealthy. Its agricultural potential is beyond belief. Africa would be an incredible place if it was settled by whites only.

These blacks in Africa die because of their own backwardness. They die in a Land of Milk and Honey. Africa is fantastic. Whites who come here, even from Europe, they settle down within a few years and they love it. Whites like Africa in its raw state because whatever we touch works great. The only problem on this continent are the blacks we share it with.

If it weren’t for us, their population would not be even 1% of what it is today. If left to themselves … nature will kill them off. Make no mistake, Nature kills them in every way it can. It is the whites IN Africa and the whites OUTSIDE Africa who are responsible for the massive black population growth. If we just let nature take its course, this continent would soon be empty and we could have it all to ourselves.

Interestingly, the Asians aren’t that keen on Africa. It is really the whites who thrive here. They take to it like ducks take to water. I’ve seen this over and over again over the decades as whites from Europe come here – from all parts of Europe.

Whites love the climate. Whites love the wild. Whites love the animals. Whites love the agricultural and mining potential. Whites look around them and they see a clean slate waiting to be written on, and then immediately want to set about BUILDING and FARMING. They love it.

Whites from virtually every nation in Europe have come to Africa to make a success of it whereever they colonised.

When the blacks look at Africa all they see is poverty. When the whites look at Africa all they see is POTENTIAL… and they make that POTENTIAL INTO REALITY QUICKLY!

The blacks think Africa is poor. The whites know Africa is super-rich. If we had been left alone we would have turned it into an America on steroids.

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6.1 ounce 100 cotton long-sleeved Gildan brand ash shirt.

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