Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe is kicked off one of the farms he stole from Whites!
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White Shop: Hitler‘s Regard for Mothers: Mother‘s Cross - Gold - for 8+ Children
Awarded in 3 grades, the Mothers Cross honored German motherhood. Militarias crosses the 2nd pattern, inscribed on the reverse, 16 Dezember 1938, A. A.H, and plated in bronze, silver or gold with blue and white enamel.
White Shop: Hitler‘s Regard for Mothers: Mother‘s Cross - Gold - for 8+ Children
Awarded in 3 grades, the Mothers Cross honored German motherhood. Militarias crosses the 2nd pattern, inscribed on the reverse, 16 Dezember 1938, A. A.H, and plated in bronze, silver or gold with blue and white enamel.
[So there’s a tiny bit of good news. Mugabe was thrown off one of his 14 or 16 farms that he personally stole from the whites. He will be challenging it in court. Don’t cry for him. Dr Peter Hammond says that Mugabe is worth US$15 billion – not the US$1 billion that the lying mass media normally uses. He’s stinking rich. One can hardly call this justice. There is no justice for whites.
It sickens me to even see the old communist piece of shit alive. He should have been shot full of holes. Jan]
You can read the rest here: https://zwnews.com/mugabe-kicked-out-of-mazowe-farm-refuses-eviction/
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Video & Audio: Zimbabwe: After the Blacks destroyed the Whites they had a Secret Famine
This video is filled with lots of hideous, weird and creepy things relating to Blacks. In this video we look at some of the nasty things Blacks did to Whites in Zimbabwe.
Video & Audio: Zimbabwe: After the Blacks destroyed the Whites they had a Secret Famine
This video is filled with lots of hideous, weird and creepy things relating to Blacks. In this video we look at some of the nasty things Blacks did to Whites in Zimbabwe.