When Whites first came to Africa…
Video: JEWS104: Secret Jews aka Crypto Jews
I discuss the topic of real Jews who are hidden. Other Jews know about them, but the secret is well kept.
[An American sent me this note. Jan]
He wrote:
doing some research and study I found this topic very interesting you may find fascinating . David Livingstone’s an explorer and missionary During his first major expedition in 1849, Livingstone traveled north from the Cape Colony into what is now Botswana. He crossed the Kalahari Desert and reached the region of the Bechuana people (now known as the Tswana people). Livingstone documented in his journals that he traveled for several months, covering hundreds of miles, before encountering significant settlements and establishing meaningful contact with local tribes. so when whites landed they had to travel hundreds of miles before even finding blacks seems like whites where there first you may already know this but I found it interesting.
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