Video: S.Africa: How blacks invade a Wine Farm in Stellenbosch


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Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.

[Do you see all those shacks in the above photo? That’s how a Land Invasion works in South Africa! Blacks come … and they colonise your land!

You need to understand South African Law and how it works. The black ANC Govt made weird laws that ENABLE blacks to seize a white person’s land. They put these laws in place a long time ago. Blacks can move on to your land and begin erecting shacks. If the blacks stay there for 48 hours, then you CANNOT HAVE THEM EVICTED! You have to move FAST and get a court order to get them off.

There are some farms that are really big or remote and the owner is either not always there, or cannot observe all of his farm. In such cases, he may suddenly find that blacks have moved on to his land and he can’t get them off!!!

If he doesn’t get them evicted by the Police, by way of a court order within 48 hours he is then obliged to GIVE THEM WATER AND TOILET FACILITIES, ETC!!! He CANNOT have them removed then … without a court battle, and even if he wins, the Govt may need to decide where to put these blacks, and that could take quite a time too!

The ANC made it easy for blacks to invade land, and they use it quite often and the whites need to move fast or they’ll have enormous trouble! Those blacks might end up living on your farm for YEARS AT YOUR EXPENSE!

If the blacks are evicted, then the Govt sends in a special unit of blacks known as “The Red Ants”, who come and seize their materials. You’ll see them in the video.

Here’s a short video that shows the process in action on a wine farm in Stellenbosch! This event took place in August 2018. Jan]

Vacant land belonging to Louiesenhof Wines has been invaded in Stellenbosch. The owners obtained an urgent interdict on Saturday to prevent more people from erecting more structures.

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