Video: The Real Cyril Ramaphosa: The WORST White-hating Communist – Andrew Carrington Hitchcock


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Video: Hitlers Women: A Quick Overview of some of his LOVE interests!
In this video I want to quickly show people some of the beautiful women that Adolf Hitler either had as girlfriends or he had sex with them or some kind of love interest in them. Im looking at women prior to Eva.

Right-Click here to download the Video

This black piece of shit will be South Africa’s next President. Andrew invited me to discuss Ramaphosa because I had mentioned him in a previous interview and I’d told Andrew that Ramaphosa is very evil and worse than Zuma. So in this interview we discuss Ramaphosa and what I know about him and what I also wrote about him in 2001.

I discovered since doing the video how extremely corrupt Ramaphosa is and he’s clearly in with the Jews and the Liberal super-rich scum. I see hopeful articles in the newspapers about Ramaphosa daily. But I think the blacks are lying to the Liberals and Jews.

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Video: JEWS106: Jewish Complexity: Source of their BEST LIES!
This is a very important video I did. I have been wanting to tackle the topic of Jewish complexity for a long time, because I have noticed that some of the best Jewish Lies come from a bogus complexity that Jews introduce into everything.

cell phone essay.
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