Video: EXCELLENT: IMPORTANT HISTORICAL NEWS ITEM: Robert Mugabe pushes for racial equality in 1962 – Rhodesian Segregation – My Comments


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Video: 1842: The first battle between Boers & the British: A Forgotten Boer War
The Battle of Congella (2326 May 1842): On 23 May 1842, British forces attempted to launch a surprise night attack on the Boer laager (encampment) at Congella.

[This is a fabulous piece of news footage from 1962. It explains Rhodesia exactly as I have explained it to people including the notion that Rhodesia was segregated and the races were apart. It actually tells you a bunch of stuff. Amazingly, in this film footage (from before I was born), is none other than Robert Mugabe who would become the prime Black who would actually take over that country – and what a dark day that was. There are a number of fascinating things in this film footage. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: Economic War: White Labour Vs Jewish Capital
In this video I discuss the economic fight and how Whites can save themselves.

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