Video: EXCELLENT: Boers – AWB: Eugene Terreblanche: Whites never had it easy in South Africa…
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[Excellent stuff! Jan]
Here’s the video:
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White Shop: Winds of Destruction - The best book ever written about the Rhodesian Air Force
I have read this book from end to end. This is unquestionably the best military book ever written about the Rhodesian Air Force. This is not just the story of a pilot. This is the story of a pilot who was an innovator who invented weapons and tried out all sorts of ideas. He spent a lot of time in combat as well. Jan.
White Shop: Winds of Destruction - The best book ever written about the Rhodesian Air Force
I have read this book from end to end. This is unquestionably the best military book ever written about the Rhodesian Air Force. This is not just the story of a pilot. This is the story of a pilot who was an innovator who invented weapons and tried out all sorts of ideas. He spent a lot of time in combat as well. Jan.