Video & Audio: White Law: 13 Laws for White People everywhere to live by – Summary


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Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan

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These Laws were the brain-child of a very clever young Italian South African guy who helped me tremendously with technical computer issues during the days when I focused on my AfricanCrisis 15 years ago. This is a quick, short video listing the 13 Laws which are based on the behaviour of Jews, Muslims, Indians and Blacks.

I will do a more comprehensive video later to discuss the deeper discussion we had.

This is sort of along the lines of some of Ben Klassen’s commandments of the Church of Creativity.

I recorded this on: 2022-11-16.

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South Africas 816 millionaire police bosses!
There are an estimated 816 employees in the South African Police Service (SAPS), including the minister of police and the deputy minister, who earn between R1.1 million and R2.7 million.

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