Video & Audio: White Law: 13 Laws for White People everywhere to live by – Summary


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I also discuss how in South Africa, the National Party betrayed the AWB. In this video I discuss the concept of Jews using Whites to destroy other Whites. But in the end, ALL the Whites end up losing, including those who worked to destroy the Right Wing/Racial Whites.

Right-Click here to download the Video

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These Laws were the brain-child of a very clever young Italian South African guy who helped me tremendously with technical computer issues during the days when I focused on my AfricanCrisis 15 years ago. This is a quick, short video listing the 13 Laws which are based on the behaviour of Jews, Muslims, Indians and Blacks.

I will do a more comprehensive video later to discuss the deeper discussion we had.

This is sort of along the lines of some of Ben Klassen’s commandments of the Church of Creativity.

I recorded this on: 2022-11-16.

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