Video & Audio: The most discriminated minority on Earth: White South Africans
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From Alice Frischmann of Smoloko How to increase White Population Growth My Comments
Increasing the White population should, in my view, be our HIGHEST STRATEGIC PRIORITY. We must have children, at a frenetic pace the maximum pace that is physically possible. We need numbers.
From Alice Frischmann of Smoloko How to increase White Population Growth My Comments
Increasing the White population should, in my view, be our HIGHEST STRATEGIC PRIORITY. We must have children, at a frenetic pace the maximum pace that is physically possible. We need numbers.
Whites in South Africa only make up 9% of the population. In America where Blacks make up 10% of the population, they are protected as a minority. This is true across the entire Western world. In South Africa however, there are 117 laws and statutes against Whites. White South Africans are unquestionably, the most discriminated minority on the planet.
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Video: White Man Chat: Spanglish: How Jewish Hollywood Backstabs Whites & distorts the USA
We take a look at a movie called Spanglish, a very popular Hollywood movie that was created by Jews, and where the prime actor is a Jew. We look at how Jews put propaganda into a movie.
Video: White Man Chat: Spanglish: How Jewish Hollywood Backstabs Whites & distorts the USA
We take a look at a movie called Spanglish, a very popular Hollywood movie that was created by Jews, and where the prime actor is a Jew. We look at how Jews put propaganda into a movie.