VERY IMPORTANT: Jews & Liberals: South Africa: Democratic Alliance turns away from black leadership – My Comments


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Video & Audio: What Jews tell each other in Private: Jewish Racism and Jewish Supremacism
We take a look at some pieces of video footage where Jews talk and we hear exactly what they say, and how they act when they are together. Over many centuries in Europe, Whites confronted Jews many times and asked them questions about what they really believe or think or say. Jews denied certain things. But in this video we look at some actual film footage and analyse it.

[The Democratic Alliance is a totally Jewish creation. This thing is 100% run by Jews here in South Africa. ALL the leaders of the DA have been JEWISH except for this Afrikaans guy. I don't know his background. Perhaps he's a Free Mason or some other kind who is close to the Jews. The DA's goal was to fool the Black voters and to con Blacks to get into the party. They had a lot of Blacks getting into high positions. But this experiment has gone so badly, that it seems the Jews have dumped Black leadership and believe it or not the Blacks are leaving and they have a White leader. I detest the DA and I advise Whites to NEVER vote for this rubbish Globalist Jewish anti-White political party. Most of their voters ARE WHITE I might add. But it seems that the experiments with Black leadership have been a terrible disaster to the point where even the Jews and White Liberals have had to abandon Blacks. Because I'm not a subscriber I can't show you the whole article. This is the best I can do. Jan]

South Africa Opposition LeaderSouth Africa’s largest opposition party has elected John Steenhuisen as their leader, a move some analysts warn may cost it support from Black voters. (AP Photo)

With resignations of key black leaders, and suffering at the polls, South Africa’s largest opposition party the Democratic Alliance risks becoming a party of white identity rather than a party that can offer a policy alternative.

South Africa’s biggest opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, was the first in the country to kick off its local government elections campaign, with a virtual rally over the weekend – billed as one of the biggest in South Africa to date – in line with Covid-19 lockdown regulations.

“Only the DA has a national footprint big enough to be able to represent every person in every community, and to challenge the dominance of the ANC,” party leader John Steenhuisen told those who tuned in.

The rally, which clocked up, somewhat underwhelmingly, just over 9000 live views, came at the end of a difficult week which contradicted the optimism in Steenhuisen’s speech.

‘An experiment gone wrong’

With only five months to go to the local government elections, another black leader resigned from the party; it registered yet another bad by-election loss of votes in traditional strongholds; and one of its Cape Town councillors was linked to laundering of Covid-19 relief funds.

Steenhuisen took over at the end of 2019 after former leader, Mmusi Maimane, the first and only black leader of the party thus far, was pushed out because of a dismal election turnout.

John doesn’t see they’re doing what he did to Mmusi,” a party insider says. “They use him to get [them] into a position to gain a national profile, and then they will dispose of him.”


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What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.

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