Update on upcoming videos featuring the Jewish Communist Ronnie Kasrils…
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Get a Free PDF Book: My Lewe en Strewe (My Life and Endeavors)
This is a fabulous book by a Boer who fought in the 2nd Anglo Boer war and later he became a NAZI! Manie Maritz became a Nazi sympathiser and was known as an outspoken proponent of Hitler‘s Third Reich. In this book he also discusses the Jews.
Get a Free PDF Book: My Lewe en Strewe (My Life and Endeavors)
This is a fabulous book by a Boer who fought in the 2nd Anglo Boer war and later he became a NAZI! Manie Maritz became a Nazi sympathiser and was known as an outspoken proponent of Hitler‘s Third Reich. In this book he also discusses the Jews.
A quick note : I’m releasing a video tonight. It is the first of four that relate to a meeting I attended in January where the Jewish communist Ronnie Kasrils spoke. The first video, the one I am releasing tonight, has a short excerpt where he speaks about a race war in sa. In the ones that follow, we listen to longer excerpts where he speaks, including where I asked him an interesting question and he gave a very interesting answer. In the last video you get to hear the full talk where another Jew also talks.
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V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.
V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.