Update from Jan: All caught up … fixes and errors … all is well


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Video: JEWS105: Jews are too sly & sneaky for Whites
I am struggling to find a way to tell my fellow whites how utterly sly and sneaky the Jews really are and how often they fool us. They fool us far more than you realise.

Just a note: I have finished all the initial fixes I wanted to do to strengthen my sites. I could have done TONS MORE, but I did the minimum because otherwise I might waste vast amounts of time. So I did what was needed.

Most importantly, I improved my own backups a lot, especially for if my sites are hacked again, and especially to protect data that might be lying around.

I also went and paid for additional backups that I never had before. So even if they want to wipe out EVERYTHING, I still can survive.

During this work, I was deleting anything that was superfluous, that a hacker might find. In the process, I did delete one thing that I actually need a lot. So I had to go back and fix things, so that wasted a bit of time. But otherwise, all is well now.

Things are looking much better.

I never paid the hacker the ransom. I also have not had a chance to report him to the Police. But I do want to do that.

Hackers might still be able to get in. These are possibilities. So nothing is certain. But I at least took my first steps forward in dealing with the threat of hacking. This is the first time this has happened to me in a decade.

I am not saying that all is safe. I could be hacked again. But I have taken actions that should make it quite a lot harder than last time. I will still improve security in small measures as time allows.

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This is the first time that someone has produced a comprehensive book showing the horror of what is happening to Whites in South Africa. It even includes some really nasty, raw crime scene photos of attacks on Whites, especially the farmers. This is the most comprehensive report I have ever seen regarding what is happening to Whites in S. Africa.

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