Threats of Criminal & Civil Cases against Jan by the Suidlanders in a Legal Letter
S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.
[The Suidlanders legal letter arrived on Wednesday 25th April 2018 at my house. This is the letter below in Afrikaans. I’ve translated it into English below. You will see that they are even considering laying criminal charges against me with the Police for “Crimen Injuria”.
NB: Take note that the Suidlanders are a registered Non Profit Company i.e. They fall in the category of being a charity, as I understand it.
So here is an organisation that by its counting, has 103,000 members and they’re threatening me with various actions including reporting me to the Police!
NB: This letter was not written by an attorney. This is written by one of their managers. This is “the Legal Letter” they have been threatening me with for some time. Jan]
Here is the English Translation:
NB: NWO in Afrikaans is: NPC – Non Profit Company (i.e. Charity).
Suidlander translates as Southlander.
It has come to our attention that you have published, on the other social media, with specific reference to website associate certain defamatory statements / statements against the Suidlander NPC and individuals with Suidlander NPC, namely Mr Gustav Muller and Simon Roche.
The stated statements / statements were unlawfully and deliberately published by you with the clear intent (Animus Iniurandi) to humiliate, reduce, diminish their dignity and damage their good name and reputation as well as Southlander NPC’s reputation in the form of goodwill.
Some of the statements / statements have been hidden by you as your opinion, which constitutes only protected opinion, if it is based on FACTS and is stated to be of public interest, which is not the case here.
According to the Actio iniuriarum, the said persons have the right and, in fact, their intention to take legal action against a claim for damages arising from the said defamatory statements / statements. Furthermore, Zuidlanders NPC has the right and is it our intention to institute an action under the Legis Aquiliae against you for compensation for loss as a result of the harm of the Suidlanders NPC’s reputation.
If you have any evidence that the alleged statements / statements are virtually correct and true, please submit it before 14 (fourteen) days from the date of this letter at our address below (alternatively by e-mail to [email protected]), in case of failure to mention said persons and Southlanders NPC legal proceedings. Consideration will therefore be given to the criminal charges of Crimen Injuria at the Police.
Please consider the matter as serious.
All rights of the said persons and Southlander NPC are hereby reserved.
Southlander Management
Here is the text of the Afrikaans Letter:
Dit het onder ons aandag gekom dat u wydverspeid, op andere sosiale media, met spesifieke verwysing na webwerf sekere lasterlike stellings / uitlatings teen die Suidlander NWO en individue gaeassosieer met Suidlander NWO, te wete Menere Gustav Muller and Simon Roche gepubliseers het.
Genoemde stellings / uitlatings was onregmatig en doelbewus deur u gepubliseer met die duidelikely intensie (Animus Iniurandi) om genoemde persone te verneder, te verkleineer, hul dignitas aan te tas en hul goeie naam en reputasie te skaad, asook Suidlander NWO se reputasie in die vorm van klandisiewaarde goodwill.
Van die genoemde stellings / uitlatings is deur u verbloem as u opinie, wat slegs beskermde opinie uitmaak indien dit gebaseer op FEITE is en gestel word as van publieke belang, wat nie hier die geval is nie.
Ingevolge die Actio iniuriarum het genoemde persone aldus die reg, en is dit inderdaad hul voorneme, om regstappe teen u te neem vir ‘n eis om skadevergoeding voortpruitend uit die genoemde lasterlike stellings / uitlatings. Verder he Suidlanders NWO die reg, en is dit inderdaad ons voorneme, om ‘n aksie ingevolge die Legis Aquiliae teen u in te stel vir kompensasie vir verlies gely as gevolg van die skaad van die Suidlanders NWO se genoemde reputasie.
Indien u oor enige bewyse beskik ter stawing dat genoemde lasterlike stellings / uitlatings feitlik korrek en die waarheid is, geliewe dit binne 14 (veertien) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie skrywe aan on voor te le by ons adres hieronder voorsien (alternatiewelik per Epos na [email protected]), by versuim waaran genoemde persone en Suidlanders NWO regsstappe tenn u kan neem. Oorweging sal dan ook geskenk word aan die le van ‘n kriminele klag van Crimen Injuria by die Polisie.
Geliewe die aangeleentheid as ernstig te beskou.
Al die regte van genoemde persone en Suidlander NWO word hiermee voorbehou.
Die Uwe,
Suidlander Bestuur
Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: WW2s Biggest Tank Battle they never talk about
This was one of my 3 viral videos on Youtube before they quickly killed it. The original video was made in 2016. Look in every history reference book for the biggest Tank Battle that was ever fought and youll find they talk about the Battle of Kursk (or the Kursk Campaign). Heres the greatest tank battle in all of history and the fantastic Wehrmacht won it with ease, even when they faced tanks so new and so advanced that they had never seen these types of tanks before and even when their shells just bounced off the Soviet armour!