The Stupid Israelis who came to South Africa to teach the Farmers self defense…


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2005: S.Africa: Black Teenage Mum: I drowned my HIV+ baby in a toilet
A young Matatiele mother admitted in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on Friday to killing her nine-month-old baby because she was HIV positive.

A most irritating and annoying person on one of my videos kept whining about his silly posts and he kept telling me that “South Africa is Israel”.

Here was my reply to the idiot:

About those stupid Israelis going to train some farmers … why don’t you go and look to see WHO ASKED THEM TO COME TO SOUTH AFRICA TO TRAIN THE FARMERS? There are a bunch of Christians in South Africa – white Christians who believe the Bible = Israel… and they LOVE ISRAEL. They think the Jews will help them. There were groups of these deluded white Christians inviting Israelis into South Africa. That’s all there is to it. And for the record, I doubt the Israeli scum can actually teach them much since most whites, especially the older ones were in the SADF. You are looking at one video from one of these deluded groups. Those whites are as insane as the Zionist we-will-die-for-Israel christians in the USA. No Israelis are in SA actually defending the farmers. The farmers and farming organisations do this themselves.

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2008 Report: Russian Generals Analysis of a Future (Terrible) South African Civil War
This is an article an awesome American supporter, JoAn Wilcox found on a Russian website in 2008 and she translated it into English. This was a Russian General‘s assessment of SA. He was not impressed with the Blacks.

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