The real history of land ownership in South Africa


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Video & Audio: What is a Jew? Are Jews a Religion or a Race or both?
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[Nice factual stuff. The TLU is an excellent farming organisation. Jan]

We have recently received the following most interesting Press Release from the Transvaal Agricultural Union (South Africa), and believe that many of our readers may be interested in the new book which they have published :-

PRESS RELEASE: TLU SA supports the real history of land ownership in South

TLU SA wants the truth about the history of land ownership to take its rightful place over the twisted and fake renditions of the ANC government and some other political parties.

“The saying goes: Liars have short wings,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “Apart from the warped and damaging ideology the ANC keeps so close to its chest, their inaccurate rendering of the history of land ownership and the development of the country are spread so broad and so often, that they not only believe themselves but new generations and other ill-informed people now also believe it as the truth.

“The lies they spread is the foundation of almost all of their arguments,” says Mr Meintjes. “Destroy the lie and the ANC’s entire argument falls flat.”

The South African Land Issue, a book by Mr Werner Weber (a TLU SA member), delves into this history with the support of various roleplayers to convey the correct facts.

TLU SA is proud to introduce this book to the public with a series of videos which illustrates various periods of the history of the development of land ownership in South Africa.
Video 1: The debate on land ownership in South Africa; Video 2: Black land ownership in 1820 and the Great Trek inland; Video 3: Natal and the Zulus; Video 4: Lydenburg, the Pedi’s and Swazi’s; Video 5: The Bataung and Matabeles in the Free State; Video 6: Voortrekkers obtain land as a reward; Video 7: Louis Trichardt and the Vendas; Video 8: More about The South African Land Issue.
“We would like people to familiarise themselves with the facts of land ownership in South Africa before they continue with the debate on it,” says Mr Meintjes. “Share this information with all South Africans.”

The South African Land Issue can be ordered from hk.

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