White Shop: Are you struggling to find a certain product? Maybe I can find it
If you are looking for a product, but you can‘t find it, maybe I can help. Leave a message for me and I‘ll get back to you.
These are some excerpts from a Boer I was speaking to, who mentioned another Boer who was against the idea of self-determination. I wrote: VOLKSTAAT: This is CRITICAL FOR OUR SURVIVAL – I am horrified when you tell me that xxx does not support that. Anyone who does not support that is, to be frank with you, a poes! (Afrikaans for cunt!) THAT IS THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN FOR WHITES IN SOUTH AFRICA – my view is literally: A VOLKSTAAT OR BUST. That is the ONLY THING that can really be a game changer for us, and anyone on our side who is NOT in favour of that, is either a coward or an enemy agent. I am horrified by what you’ve told me about that guy. We MUST get our independence as a people here in SA. We have HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF HISTORY. This is the most important thing of all. And I agree with you, we must stop with all the cry baby stories – we know that the Blacks have fucked us over and they will continue to fuck us over. We need to come up with a solution that is meaningful and can work in the real world, and SELF DETERMINATION is the only game that offers any future for us. Now, rest assured, all our ENEMIES will lose their fucking minds when we say this, but this is where we need to dig our heels in and do our thing. I remember the days in the 1970s when Rhodesia was in the world media every day. I remember the days in the 1980s when South Africa was on everyone’s lips every day. And they talked endless shit about the Whites and sucked up to the Blacks. But I must tell you, I would rather we return to those kinds of days than to live like dogs and have them do as they please to us and treat us like garbage. NOTHING works for us. Not the Government, not the law, not the Police – NOTHING works for us. There’s only one sensible path, and that is for us to chart our own course, and to hell with those who want to stand in our way. I think it is disgusting that we have let others push us into being ruled by a government of morons and criminals. Let the morons rule themselves, and let us break free and chart our own course into the future regardless of all the screaming and howling that everyone will do. We must cut free and move forward. We can’t sit around and rot like this.
Video: GOOD NEWS! All Human Society, including White Nations are inherently UNSTABLE!
Many Whites seem to believe that Western Nations are rigid and that no serious change is possible in them. This is quite a deep discussion about how a nation state really works and why even the most stable appearances are totally misleading.