South Africa: (Jewish) DA’s irresponsible statement on farm murders condemned by Front Nasionaal


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The Last Rhodesian - Telegram Group
This is a Telegram Group that someone in Holland set up for me. I am now in control of it, and I post there regularly.

[The DA is NOT to be trusted. Don’t believe these two-faced backstabbing Liberal liars. The DA is 100% Jewish controlled. This is the most Jewish political party in South Africa. All Jews support this thing and its funded by BIG MONEY! I’m warning whites: Don’t vote for these untrustworthy scum. The Mass Media Love them! STAY AWAY FROM THEM!

Jews are not irresponsible. Jews push their own agenda and you’ll see with the DA they’re pushing things to downplay race reality and to downplay anti-white things like farm murders. You’re dealing with Jewish liars who have lots of (dumb) whites voting for them! Stop voting for these anti-white bastards! They are more dangerous than you think! Jan]

FRONT NATIONAL strongly objects to the irresponsible and downright incorrect statement made by the Democratic Alliance (DA) Abroad regarding farm attacks.

In the statement on the social media, the DA said: “We condemn organisers of protests and events who perpetuate misinformed narratives and mobilise on the basis of race.” The DA’s obsession with race and racism is clearly clouding their solid judgement on a critical matter.

Statistics and reliable sources proved that farm attacks has become a problem out of hand and that white farmers in South Africa are indeed being targeted.

Now that politicians in various countries start to recognize this crisis of the minority group in South Africa, it is condemnable that South Africans abroad try to downplay this, and even condemn the leaders of the countries where they themselves live in relative safety, removed from the gruesome reality faced by the white farming community in South Africa.

Front National calls on the white electorate to take serious note of the attempts of the DA Abroad to downplay the seriousness of the escalating terrorist attacks against white farmers and the condemnable attack on our friends and supporters abroad.

It is obvious that the DA is showing its true colours more and more as they, in fact, support ANC and EFF policies.

We urge the white voter to condemn this in the strongest possible terms and join a party where they truly belong.

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA



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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Jews, the Masters of Assassination & Murder
Tom Metzger told me that the Jews had 2 contracts out to kill him! Tom explains his view that Jews murder anti-communists and white right wingers in the USA. We discuss his many experiences from the past.

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