South Africa: Crime: Drugs: R500 000 khat shipment seized by Provincial Traffic on N1


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INCREDIBLE: Time Magazine admits & boasts about How the US Presidential Election was STOLEN!!!
This is the incredible story they published shortly after the election which names and gives details of the Jew who actually stole the US Presidential Election of 2020. The Jew Michael Avram Podhorzer is the real scumbag who specialises in stealing elections. He was the only one with the money and trade union backing to pull this off.

[You get all kinds of weird substances that these Blacks use here in SA. And they have strange names. Khat is one of them. Jan]

On Sunday 11 February 2024, our Provincial Traffic Services seized over 500 units of khat, with an estimated value of R500 000, helping reduce illegal substances on our streets and making the Western Cape a safer place for all.

While conducting routine vehicle checks along the N1 in Kraaifontein, Provincial Traffic officers stopped a panel van travelling towards Cape Town. Upon inspection, the driver became visibly nervous, which prompted a further search of the vehicle and detection of the contraband.

The driver was arrested for possession of an illegal substance and taken to the Kraaifontein South African Police Service station for further investigation.

I am proud of our Provincial Traffic officers for their dedication to the people of this province. This success is well-deserved, as they work tirelessly to keep our roads and communities safe.

Results from WC Provincial Traffic Services – 5 to 11 February 2024

Between 5 and 11 February 2024, Provincial Traffic officers conducted 268 integrated roadblocks, vehicle check points and speed control operations; and stopped and checked 32 226 vehicles across the Western Cape.

A total of 10 346 fines were issued for various traffic violations ranging from driver to vehicle fitness. Nineteen vehicles were impounded and 185 were discontinued for being unroadworthy.

A total of 216 speeding offences were recorded, with the following highest speeds:
• 174km/h in a 120km/h zone
• 146km/h in a 100km/h zone
• 109Km/h in an 80km/h zone
• 104km/h in a 70km/h zone
• 94km/h in a 60km/h zone
• 79km/h in a 40km/h zone

A total of 98 arrests were made for the following offences:
• 65 x driving under the influence of alcohol
• 3 x speeding
• 5 x reckless and negligent driving
• 5 x goods overloading
• 13 x possession of fraudulent documentation
• 1 x bribery
• 1 x resisting arrest
• 1 x defeating the ends of justice
• 1 x failing to comply with a lawful order from an authorised officer
• 2 x possession of illegal substance
• 1 x possession of stolen vehicle

A total of 23 crashes and 23 fatalities were recorded, including:
• 1 x driver
• 1 x cyclist
• 2 x motorcyclists
• 3 x passengers
• 16 x pedestrians


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2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
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