Someone in Texas wrote to me: How Texas is becoming like South Africa – Also: Apartheid Museum
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[This is a discussion I had with someone in Texas. The Texan was telling me how things there are changing due to the sack of shit Biden, pumping in the Blacks. Jan]
The Texan wrote:
Dear Jan, I stumbled upon your site a few years ago, and I often listen to your recorded messages/talks. I have learned so much from your observations, and I make notes and use what I learn to argue with others over race/WW2, etc. My daughter flew into Johannesburg last year to attend a veterinarian camp at a game reserve; their first stop was to the Apartheid Museum. What irony – they were forbidden to leave the airport until their escorts arrived, and they were kept under security the entire time, yet they were sent to a museum to learn how bad things were in South Africa whilst whites were in charge. I told her there was a time when security wouldn’t have been necessary. It is unbelievable how White people just can’t accept what’s happening right before their own eyes. I live in Texas, and although we have troubles with Mestizos, they are/were manageable, and we had virtually no blacks. One or two random blacks would be spotted every two-three years whilst out and about. Since Biden arrived, we see blacks everyday; sometimes ten-twelve a day (yes, I count). In part, thanks to you, I know what’s coming. We now have security guards in parking lots at night in many shopping locations. So, it begins. The savagery of these people is unbelievable, and I worry for you. Again, thank you for what you’re doing. I really enjoy your storytelling, and in particular, your reading and analysis of Mein Kampf.
I found your story fascinating. I want to respond to some points:
o The Apartheid Museum in South Africa is owned by a Jew. Jews were the PRIME MOVERS in the early days of Apartheid (1948 onwards) in stirring up and gathering up all the non-Whites including Blacks and Indians to gather them together as a force against the Whites (mainly the Boers). That is where all the violence, instability and ultimately killing really came from. Plus the Jews killed our greatest leader, Dr Verwoerd. That such a brilliant and good man was killed so horrifically. So yeah, the Apartheid Museum is just a bunch of crap about how evil the Whites were. But if you watch my videos, ESPECIALLY THE NEW ZIMBABWE AND RHODESIAN ONES you are going to learn more.
I am pleased that you are assiduously taking notes and trying to increase your ability to debate these issues. The Jews and Liberals in your country are fooling you in so many ways. Did you see my video about management and Blacks and how people are fooled? Here’s the link:
You people have been conditioned for decades to accept Black leaders above you and it’s easy to think that they are the "same" as you.
o You mention the clear violence and lack of safety in "modern" and "better" South Africa – but the truth is, murder was a tiny FRACTION of what it is now. Now, 30,000 people are murdered each year (all races), but under Apartheid it was as low as less than 200 a year.
Your first hand stories about Texas are of great interest. I’m sorry to hear that the ILLEGAL and DEMENTED sack of shit, waste of White skin, Joe Biden is pouring in the non-Whites. It’s good that you are counting. So now things are out of control.
What I found especially fascinating is that you folks now have security guards at parking lots at night! Stick around. Over here we have them in parking lots DAY AND NIGHT!!!
All that’s happening to you folks is that you’re getting HUMAN GARBAGE into your country, and now YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE TO HANDLE THEM BECAUSE THEY CANNOT MEET YOUR STANDARDS!
You wrote: The savagery of these people is unbelievable,
You won’t believe this, but in Africa, AS FEW AS WE WERE, WE CONTROLLED THEM AND THEY BEHAVED THEMSELVES!!! But we had to be the boss and we had to be tough. Now, the Jews have opened the doors to hell.
Humans are really straight forward. If you throw a bunch of Whites into a place, they’ll function in a certain way. If you throw blacks only into the same place, they’ll behave differently.
My rule of thumb, which is virtually mathematical is: Determine the ratio of Whites to Blacks in a population and from that, you can calculate what the state of the society will be. As your proportion goes DOWN, and theirs goes UP, you’ll see your society going to hell. As their proportion increases, your problems will increase. It’s really that simple.
Jews lie about these things and hide these things.
Photo: S.Africa: Desperate measures for dealing with Crime! A Home-made Lion!
This is a photo I got years ago. I think a Boer did this. I think, based on the photo, that this is definitely the work of a Boer.