S.Africa: Why the Black Jew Ramaphosa rammed through 2 hideous Laws in May: NHI bill and Hate Speech Law


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Video: Jews explain that they own and control HISTORY! They will smear their enemies FOREVER
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[This is what I wrote to a South African supporter who sent me some information. Jan]

I wrote:
Yes, I saw about the hate speech problems and Afriforum lost all the way to the top.

I saved away the stuff about NHI. I found that very interesting. I did post an article about NetCare actually betting money on expanding their operation. So that means they must be confident and have inside knowledge that this NHI thing will fold.

I will be very happy to see this NHI stuff collapse. It is horrific and worse than the Hate Speech Law.

But the Hate Speech Law can’t be done away with in the way NHI will face problems.

I think the Black Jew Ramaphosa, knew up front the ANC would get less than 50% of the vote and that’s why he rammed both of these laws through in May including putting the Hate Speech Law through in its "raw" and unchecked format. He knew this is the last time the ANC will get a chance to push this through, so he just rammed it through. I am sure he is working with the Jews in the DA.

But, Zuma and MK are coming. The ANC will be back, but it will be called MK. The next 5 years will be interesting.

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